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Fuck these newer cars, you have to pull half the boot {I think it's called the trunk in the US} apart just to change a fuckin indicator globe <_<

Fuck I was swearing alot :soapbox:

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Fuck these newer cars, you have to pull half the boot {I think it's called the trunk in the US} apart just to change a fuckin indicator globe <_<

Fuck I was swearing alot :soapbox:

Fuck cars..........

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fekk starbucks and malls in general. i made the mistake today and visited one here(ikea+ something else next to it) for first time in my fekking life and thus to avoid the usual "bed lecture" this night. i sut in one starbucks there(hope i spelled it right, i doubt though if the fekking staff there know who the fekk mr. starbucks is) and waited for half an hour and none fekking waiter came to serve me. i was ready to leave when at last my wife came and told me that you have to go to the staff there and order.i guess you learn a new fekking thing 'bout fekking modern society every fekking day i fekking guess. fekk me i said. then i went and ordered 2 big fekking iced coffees. fekk them coz they cost 6 fekking euros each(in my usuall place i pay only 2 euros for almost equal quantity of fekking iced coffee, in a fekking glass not fekking plastic, and also it's served to me accompanied with a large glass of fekking water, but i said fekk it! for fekking once in my life, i'll pay the fekking price they asked for) . jaysus! then i took them and went to my table. i put them down on the fekking tiny plastic table and while trying to sit my fekking big ass in their fekking tiny plastic chair, i spilled my fekking iced coffee . 6 fekking wasted euros in a big fekking place full of fekking crappy shops. no fekking way i'll do this fekking trip again. and that fekking iced coffee was full of fekking cream, the fekking cheaters.

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This computer is well and truly fucked. Damn fucking shame. Oh well, at least the 2nd game is on now.

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Fucking computer's been down at work for 2 days now. My desk is so fucking clean you could eat moose testicles off it.

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Fucking computer's been down at work for 2 days now. My desk is so fucking clean you could eat moose testicles off it.

Are mose testicles a staple diet in fuckin' Australia ?

Not really. But any kind of testicle is an important part of my fuckin' diet.

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Fucking computer's been down at work for 2 days now. My desk is so fucking clean you could eat moose testicles off it.

Are mose testicles a staple diet in fuckin' Australia ?

Not really. But any kind of testicle is an important part of my fuckin' diet.

Fuckin' :rofl2:

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Fuck this.


Day. Yep, day, fuck you and end. I think I'm going to have a beer this afternoon. Day hasn't been that bad, but I will have a beer.

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