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The F*%K Thread


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Above, I said Np instead of No. What the fuck is that shit? Who the fuck do I think I am?

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Above, I said Np instead of No. What the fuck is that shit? Who the fuck do I think I am?


Fuck you know who you are, you're Geoff lover all Norks.

Can I get a hell fuckin' yeah!

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This day cannot hurt me! 6 hours to go and I am on my way up the coast for four fucking days! FUCK YEAH!

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This day cannot hurt me! 6 hours to go and I am on my way up the coast for four fucking days! FUCK YEAH!


I have 1 hour to go as I am on fucking part time duties after my operation. Have a fucking great weekend mate. Drink fucking beer and all that stuff. :drink:

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This day cannot hurt me! 6 hours to go and I am on my way up the coast for four fucking days! FUCK YEAH!


I have 1 hour to go as I am on fucking part time duties after my operation. Have a fucking great weekend mate. Drink fucking beer and all that stuff. :drink:

Shall do! I have 2 cases in the car and ready to go. Be sure to knock back a few when you knock off your part time hours too. Fuck yeah!

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it would take a fuckin F2 to move my hair tonight ;)


oooooooook. I may be a moron, but what the fuck does this mean? :blink:



i had so much fucking hair spray and clips in my hair, it would have taken a F2 tornado to move my hair ;)

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it would take a fuckin F2 to move my hair tonight ;)


oooooooook. I may be a moron, but what the fuck does this mean? :blink:



i had so much fucking hair spray and clips in my hair, it would have taken a F2 tornado to move my hair ;)

Fuck me..........

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Weather fuckin blows. It's either hot and fuckin sticky or it's fuckin pissing down rain. The summer has fuckin sucked so far.

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FUCK Social fuckin' Services........Fuckin' shitty arse-hole fuckers !!!!!!!!!!!



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