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The F*%K Thread


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It's not fucking warm. I wonder if it's raining in England Land.

Not fuckin' here in the fuckin' "sticks"..........

And not here in fuckin' beach town USA...


And not here either, a pleasant 24 degrees today. Beer in the garden anyone?

No fuckin' in your garden then ? :whistle:

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It's not fucking warm. I wonder if it's raining in England Land.

Not fuckin' here in the fuckin' "sticks"..........

And not here in fuckin' beach town USA...


And not here either, a pleasant 24 degrees today. Beer in the garden anyone?

No fuckin' in your garden then ? :whistle:


New garden just finished, christening of said decking on the fucking list mate! ;)

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It's not fucking warm. I wonder if it's raining in England Land.

Not fuckin' here in the fuckin' "sticks"..........

And not here in fuckin' beach town USA...


And not here either, a pleasant 24 degrees today. Beer in the garden anyone?

No fuckin' in your garden then ? :whistle:


New garden just finished, christening of said decking on the fucking list mate! ;)

Fuck yeah.....

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It's not fucking warm. I wonder if it's raining in England Land.

Not fuckin' here in the fuckin' "sticks"..........

And not here in fuckin' beach town USA...


And not here either, a pleasant 24 degrees today. Beer in the garden anyone?

No fuckin' in your garden then ? :whistle:


New garden just finished, christening of said decking on the fucking list mate! ;)

Fuck yeah.....

Now we're fucking talking!! :popcorn:

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Fuck cricket, fuck those useless twats wearing the baggy green, fuck em' all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fuck em' again the useless fucks....Fuck Ponting for missing that simple run out and fuck Ponting for dropping that sitter and fuck Johnson for wasting the new ball yet again.

For fuck sake <_<

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Absolutely perfect weekend weatherwise, but there is just no fucking swell. Went for a walk yesterday down south and took the pugs out today for a big run but fuck I hate being kept out of the ocean by lack of fucking swell.

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It's Mondya, but who gives a fuck?! I have Friday and next Monday off and will be partying the fuck out of the motherfuckin' coast! Fuck yeah!

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First night back at work for over 2 fucking months. I was looking forward to coming back, but after 3 fucking hours, my knee is fucking sore, there is fucking crap everywhere, so I have come to the conclusion that , job - you can fuck right off, right fucking now.

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First night back at work for over 2 fucking months. I was looking forward to coming back, but after 3 fucking hours, my knee is fucking sore, there is fucking crap everywhere, so I have come to the conclusion that , job - you can fuck right off, right fucking now.


:lol: You fuckin' tell em' mate !!!!!!!!!

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Fuck the mutha fuckin' curve balls that life hurls at you at fuckin' lightspeed sometimes.I've got to fuckin' learn to get over this fuckin' shit.Fuck me,now i feel better.


Flintoff's fucking curve balls were fucking ace though weren't they! ;)

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Good fuckin' luck mate and hang in there.....I do see some light for you at the end of the tunnel.....I just hope it's not the fuckin' front light off a freight train....You deserve alot fuckin better :tumbsup::drink:

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From the newspaper this morning...


"Rudi Koertzen hopes umpire mistakes will be reduced when the controversial video challenge system is introduced in October"


That's great news but between now and October, the best way to stop umpire mistakes is for you to fuck right off :ahole::fu:

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I pulled a fucking muscle in my chest last week lifting weights and thought it was all fucking okay but now it fucking hurts worse. I went to the fucking chiropractor today and he popped something in my back that felt better. Now I just need to ice and wait it out. Fuck!

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Np pain no gain. I think that's what people say. Probably the same type of people who say never surrender, believe in your dreams and never give the fuck up.

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Good fuckin' luck mate and hang in there.....I do see some light for you at the end of the tunnel.....I just hope it's not the fuckin' front light off a freight train....You deserve alot fuckin better :tumbsup::drink:

Fuckin' :drink:

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