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The F*%K Thread


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Fuckin' shit happens.

True dat, Ian...But it seems to fucking happen when you least expect it. Good thing God gave us fucking legs so we can run to the toilet instead of the population shitting their fucking pants.

Too fuckin' true.

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You're fuckin' catching me up Chris.

Yeah fucking be there soon.

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You're fuckin' catching me up Chris.

Yeah fucking be there soon.

We shall fuckin' see matey-boy <_<:rofl2:

Right when you fucking least expect it Ian!! :rofl2:

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I have missed you fuckers...been so fuckin busy I have been meeting myself

comming and going. Doesn't leave a girl too much time to fuck any limbs either :lol:

Come to the fucking chat room. It's now fucking open.

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Back from my fuckin' long weekend away... didn't find any fuckin' CDs in the fuckin' Poconos, but at least there was plenty of fuckin' beer and I got to light stuff on fuckin' fire :lol:

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We had a long fuckin' weekend here in Australia too. Fuckin' Queen's birthday. Thanks, fuckin' Queen. :)

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Back from my fuckin' long weekend away... didn't find any fuckin' CDs in the fuckin' Poconos, but at least there was plenty of fuckin' beer and I got to light stuff on fuckin' fire :lol:

I hope your trip was as fucking cool as you're making it out to be.

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Good Morning too...:) hope to see some of you fuckers in the chat room real fuckin soon:)


If I can ever get this fuckin' Java stuff figured out I'll be tryin' out the fuckin' chat room, but so far I've been un-fuckin-successful... :(

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Good Morning too...:) hope to see some of you fuckers in the chat room real fuckin soon:)


If I can ever get this fuckin' Java stuff figured out I'll be tryin' out the fuckin' chat room, but so far I've been un-fuckin-successful... :(


Fuckin' liar, I seen ya in there... ;)

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Good Morning too...:) hope to see some of you fuckers in the chat room real fuckin soon:)


If I can ever get this fuckin' Java stuff figured out I'll be tryin' out the fuckin' chat room, but so far I've been un-fuckin-successful... :(


Fuckin' liar, I seen ya in there... ;)


Yup, I just fuckin' figured it the fuck out a little while ago!! Turns out I had to download fuckin' Java, but I'm still not 100 percent fuckin' sure what "java" is. The point is, it fuckin' works now! :banana:

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Good Morning too...:) hope to see some of you fuckers in the chat room real fuckin soon:)


If I can ever get this fuckin' Java stuff figured out I'll be tryin' out the fuckin' chat room, but so far I've been un-fuckin-successful... :(


Fuckin' liar, I seen ya in there... ;)


Yup, I just fuckin' figured it the fuck out a little while ago!! Turns out I had to download fuckin' Java, but I'm still not 100 percent fuckin' sure what "java" is. The point is, it fuckin' works now! :banana:

Well welcome to the fuckin' 21st century!!! :tumbsup:

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I still have to check out the fuckin' chat room when I can, and work out what the fuck this friends thing is all about and how to work that. Fuckin' technology. If it and I were in a sprint race the fucker would be beating me... and I'm one fast mutherfucker.

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If it and I were in a sprint race the fucker would be beating me... and I'm one fast mutherfucker.

I'd fuckin beat ya in a sprint too Geoff :P:wub:


Summer's barely fuckin started and the traffic is already getting fuckin stupid :rolleyes: But at least fuckin summer also means it's beach volleyball time :bananamac:

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