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The F*%K Thread


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"FUCK" will be the most common word that comes from the mouth of any English Cricket fan over the next few weeks :lol:

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Translation--- F______U______C_______K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :2up::fu:

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Translation--- F______U______C_______K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :2up::fu:




Are you fucking have a bad fucking day there Rich?


Fuck!!! I fucking was fucking yesterday!! ROFFLMFO!! -_-

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Well, Christmas is officially fuckin' over at Casa Del Freddy. Yesterday I took advantage of the bizarre balmy fuckin' weather and dismantled all of my outdoor decorations, and today the wife and I just finished un-fuckin-decorating and taking down the fuckin' tree ... my back is now fucking killing me from lugging all those fuckin' boxes and bins up to the fucking attic... fuckin' OUCH!!

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Well, Christmas is officially fuckin' over at Casa Del Freddy. Yesterday I took advantage of the bizarre balmy fuckin' weather and dismantled all of my outdoor decorations, and today the wife and I just finished un-fuckin-decorating and taking down the fuckin' tree ... my back is now fucking killing me from lugging all those fuckin' boxes and bins up to the fucking attic... fuckin' OUCH!!



Keith I feel your fuckin' pain brother, I feel your pain......no hang on a fuckin minute....no I fuckin' don't ahaha!

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Isn't Nick just the cheekist little devil? Seeing that makes me want to lie in a patch of fucking daffodils and sing to the bees.


We bought a fucking little dog kennel on the weekend for puppy. Easiest fucking thing in the world to construct ever. Puppy-boo went in it a couple of times through the day, and we left her outside last night for the first fuckin' time (so far she's slept inside since we got her). Poor little fucker was doing her cute little squeaks and yelps on the front balcony for a while before she eventually went to sleep on the fucking wlecome mat in front of the fucking door... kennel accross the yard completely unused, as far as we fucking know. :(

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Fixing up a stupid fucking mistake I did last fuckin' Friday just before I went the fuck home. I just wanted to process something to make it look like I'd done something all week. But I fucked it up, now I have to undo it and it's taking forever. I guess that's what happens when you have a sip on the fucking job. :(

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We had a fucking mouse in our house until about a fucking hour ago. We'd suspected we'd had one for the last fuckin' week or two because our fuckin' cats were exhibiting lots of psycho fuckin' stalking/hunting behavior (the little one would stay crouched in the fuckin' kitchen all night long staring at the same fuckin' spot on the wall, etc.) ... however, they could never catch the little fucker. Anyway, this afternoon I went into our 'snack drawer' in the cabinet to get something for my son and I found a couple of packages of crackers had been ripped open and chewed up... and there were mouse doots all over the bottom of the fuckin' drawer. So now I get officially pissed and go "Of course, you realize THIS means fuckin' WAR." Off I go to fuckin' Shoprite to get some fucking mouse traps... I got the "little tray full of sticky fuckin' glue" type (less hassle than the old school spring loaded fuckers), I stuck'em in every corner of the fuckin' kitchen, and not an hour later... VOILA! Fuckin' mouse! Needless to fuckin' say, he was shown the door (and the inside of my fuckin' trash can) very quickly.


Cruel perhaps, but very fuckin' effective, those glue traps are!!

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Isn't Nick just the cheekist little devil? Seeing that makes me want to lie in a patch of fucking daffodils and sing to the bees.


"Cheekist"? Is that like "Marxist"? Is Nick a fuckin' pinko commie? :angry:


Happy fuckin' Monday everybody!


Keef, thanks for reminding me of pain to come with all the fuckin' bins and fuckin' shit like that. My wife usually takes everything apart. I just do tha fuckin' grunt work, but it still fuckin' sucks... <_<


We had a fucking mouse in our house until about a fucking hour ago. We'd suspected we'd had one for the last fuckin' week or two because our fuckin' cats were exhibiting lots of psycho fuckin' stalking/hunting behavior (the little one would stay crouched in the fuckin' kitchen all night long staring at the same fuckin' spot on the wall, etc.) ... however, they could never catch the little fucker. Anyway, this afternoon I went into our 'snack drawer' in the cabinet to get something for my son and I found a couple of packages of crackers had been ripped open and chewed up... and there were mouse doots all over the bottom of the fuckin' drawer. So now I get officially pissed and go "Of course, you realize THIS means fuckin' WAR." Off I go to fuckin' Shoprite to get some fucking mouse traps... I got the "little tray full of sticky fuckin' glue" type (less hassle than the old school spring loaded fuckers), I stuck'em in every corner of the fuckin' kitchen, and not an hour later... VOILA! Fuckin' mouse! Needless to fuckin' say, he was shown the door (and the inside of my fuckin' trash can) very quickly.


Cruel perhaps, but very fuckin' effective, those glue traps are!!


We used to have them in our old house. We backed up to the canal, woods, etc. and there were a fuckin' ton of 'em. Our basement was late 19th century fieldstone and mortar and apparently had a lot of holes for the fuckers to get through... went through a LOT of fuckin' traps there boy. Our Rottweiler would just lay there and watch them run by occasionally.... <_<

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We used to have them in our old house. We backed up to the canal, woods, etc. and there were a fuckin' ton of 'em. Our basement was late 19th century fieldstone and mortar and apparently had a lot of holes for the fuckers to get through... went through a LOT of fuckin' traps there boy. Our Rottweiler would just lay there and watch them run by occasionally.... <_<


I think my fuckin' cats are the same way at this point... the big one must see a fuckin' mouse run by and go "what-EVER, I'll let the young'un catch it," but the little one isn't fuckin' little enough to squeeze into those mouse size crevices anymore. Meantime, the fuckin' dog sits there like fuckin' "DUH?"

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Yep, my son has that fuckin' movie on video, it's funny as fuckin' hell. Thankfully I dont' think the mice in my fuckin' house are quite as fuckin' smart as the one in that flick.

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It was fuckin' funny the first dozen or so fuckin' times but you know how kids are when they get hooked on a fuckin' movie, they want to watch it OVER and fuckin' OVER again... after a while I would fuckin' cringe when he'd ask for the fuckin' "Mouse movie, daddy!" for the third time in one fuckin' day...

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It was fuckin' funny the first dozen or so fuckin' times but you know how kids are when they get hooked on a fuckin' movie, they want to watch it OVER and fuckin' OVER again... after a while I would fuckin' cringe when he'd ask for the fuckin' "Mouse movie, daddy!" for the third time in one fuckin' day...


I hear ya. If I never see Nemo again it would be to fucking soon.

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Oh yea, we had a fuckin' "Nemo" period for a while, and a fuckin' 'Monsters Inc' and "Superman" period too...right now it's fuckin' "Cars"

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Hey guys, can you put the fucking movie on the TV and then fuck off and do something else as the kids watch the fuckin' thing, or do you have to stay with them because of how fucking young they are? Or do they just say, "Daddy, daddy... sit here and watch this fucking movie with me!"


Sorry guys, I'm not experienced in matters of children, but I fucking hate watching any movie over and over again. Can't do it, to be fucking honest. This might just be another fucking reason to tell the wife it's going to be another 15 years before we have a kid. :D

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It depends, I can fucking do that no problem, have my daughter watch a movie while I sit there and read, or cruise the net. But my wife gets all fuckin' freaky about it when she's home and thinks we should all fuckin' watch it together. Yeah, but I saw the fuckin' thing like a dozen times, I don't think my daughter gives a flying fuck whether my eyes are on it or not... <_<

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It depends, I can fucking do that no problem, have my daughter watch a movie while I sit there and read, or cruise the net. But my wife gets all fuckin' freaky about it when she's home and thinks we should all fuckin' watch it together. Yeah, but I saw the fuckin' thing like a dozen times, I don't think my daughter gives a flying fuck whether my eyes are on it or not... <_<


:lol: That's the same with me and the fucking puppy. If my wife's working and it's just the puppy and I at home I'll play with her and pat her when she wants to, but most the day I'll spend doing my own fucking thing and the puppy does her own fucking thing. When my lovely wife is home, though, we have to be watching the fucking puppy the whole time. When I try to look at the net or engulf myself in a TV show she's there reminding me to sit on the fucking floor with the puppy or keep her fucking occupied. I'm like, 'Dude, she's just a puppy and she can keep herself occupied.' Seriously, it's not an issue for me and doesn't belong in the fuck thread, because it's actually quite cute (only marginally annoying), but it's fucking odd... and I fear what it'll be like with a kid, based on that. :D

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The board's so fucking quiet these days. Have I really fuckin' scared everyone off? But it is that time of fuckin' year still, sin't it?


I went for a fuckin' surf after work yesterday after fucking noon. It was pretty damn big. Got nailed a few fucking times but jeez I love making it out for a surf after work... makes you feel as though you got at least some value out of a fucked up day. Might go again to-fucking-day.

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Fucking work, interferring with my time here. Not that either option is very fucking busy at the moment. But it's still a reason to say fuck.

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