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The F*%K Thread


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Yea, we're supposed to get a fuckin' cold snap out this-a-fuckin'-way by the weekend too... guess I shoulda hung those fuckin' outdoor Christmas lights LAST weekend when it was so fuckin' balmy out there... D'OH! :homer:


:lol: No fuckin' kidding. They're still sitting in my fucking living room. Best get the fuckers up today.......in the fucking rain.


:yikes: ZAP!!!!!!!!

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My wife put the fuckin' lights up yesterday while I was at work. Everything should be that fuckin' easy. B)


:lol: Can I borrow your wife for a fuckin' while? I've got 32 fuckin' little spiral Christmas Trees to put out, lining the walk out fucking front...........ack!

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My wife put the fuckin' lights up yesterday while I was at work. Everything should be that fuckin' easy. B)


Maybe I can get your wife to give my wife some fuckin' lessons on makin' my life a little easier.


Don't count on it, I think it was a one time only event... <_<

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My wife put the fuckin' lights up yesterday while I was at work. Everything should be that fuckin' easy. B)


You just fuckin' KNOW she's gonna make you pay for that later, bro... she'll want you to do somethin' you don't wanna fuckin' do, and she'll bring up "But I hung up the fuckin' Christmas lights, you owe me one!"... hell, she might milk that one for fuckin' years. ;)


On a totally un-fuckin-related note, the guy at the desk next to me is eating some kind of salad from the delicatessen and it fuckin' reeeeeeeks...there's olives and meat and artichokes in there and it's slathered in oil... fuckin' YEESH, that stuff smells like feet.

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My wife put the fuckin' lights up yesterday while I was at work. Everything should be that fuckin' easy. B)

So, does your wife have something big 'n pricey on her fuckin Xmas list?


I'm big and pricey, maybe I'm on the fuckin' list.

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I'm big and pricey, maybe I'm on the fuckin' list.


I'm sure you're on some fuckin list :lol:


Probably some list of like, super cool fuckin' dudes or something. I just ate a pint of fuckin' ice cream. I feel vaguely fuckin' nauseous now...

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I just ate a pint of fuckin' ice cream. I feel vaguely fuckin' nauseous now...


I just ate a fuckin' Lean Cuisine lunch. Chicken with 'fresh' veggies. My fuckin' green beans were crunchy. :yuck:

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I'm big and pricey, maybe I'm on the fuckin' list.


I'm sure you're on some fuckin list :lol:


Probably some list of like, super cool fuckin' dudes or something. I just ate a pint of fuckin' ice cream. I feel vaguely fuckin' nauseous now...




So that's where the Ice Cream reference came from in that other fucking thread.

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I just ate a Chicken Tikka Masala, fuck it was awesome. :banana:


I fuckin' love Tikka Masala :wub:


I'm big and pricey, maybe I'm on the fuckin' list.


I'm sure you're on some fuckin list :lol:


Probably some list of like, super cool fuckin' dudes or something. I just ate a pint of fuckin' ice cream. I feel vaguely fuckin' nauseous now...




So that's where the Ice Cream reference came from in that other fucking thread.


Fuckin' ay. :(

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I just ate a Chicken Tikka Masala, fuck it was awesome. :banana:


I fuckin' love Tikka Masala :wub:


mmmm that's some good fuckin grub there.. with some naan, and you're in fuckin biz :banana:


Mmmmm, fuckin' naan...

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I just ate a Chicken Tikka Masala, fuck it was awesome. :banana:


I fuckin' love Tikka Masala :wub:


mmmm that's some good fuckin grub there.. with some naan, and you're in fuckin biz :banana:


Mmmmm, fuckin' naan...


I must not be fuckin' "gourmet" enough to hang with you guys, cuz I don't have the slightest fuckin' idea what "naan" or fuckin' "Chicken Tikka Marsala" is... :blink:

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I just ate a Chicken Tikka Masala, fuck it was awesome. :banana:


I fuckin' love Tikka Masala :wub:


mmmm that's some good fuckin grub there.. with some naan, and you're in fuckin biz :banana:


Mmmmm, fuckin' naan...


I must not be fuckin' "gourmet" enough to hang with you guys, cuz I don't have the slightest fuckin' idea what "naan" or fuckin' "Chicken Tikka Marsala" is... :blink:


Same fuckin' here, man........same fuckin' here. -_-

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Believe me dude........it's not gourmet....


Indian food fuckin' blows.............. :puke:

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Summer starts tomorrow. It's about fuckin' time. I like Summer, especially the way it feels on my exposed crotch.


Exveryone's always changing their fuckin' avatars. Your people are fuckin' loonies!

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Indian Food's fucking awesome. I love the butter chicken. What's your fuckin' fave, Pete? I love the naan bread too. It's like heaven, but in form of a fuckin' bread.

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Indian Food's fucking awesome. I love the butter chicken. What's your fuckin' fave, Pete? I love the naan bread too. It's like heaven, but in form of a fuckin' bread.

Not a big fucking fan of Indian food but it doesn't fucking suck...

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Fuckin' Indian food does not blow.


I wouldn't fuckin' know, bro. Never had it. We don't get much in the way of exotic fuckin' cuisine up here in the fuckin' sticks. We got a fuckin' Thai place and a fuckin' Mexican place and that's about it. We're a bunch of white bread, meat and potatoes eatin' kinda motherfuckers up here. :)

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