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What's a spinnin' in your CD player?

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MJ, why does that not suprise me you put that in. To be honest I'd throw it in myself if I wasn't watching pre-race stuff.

:lol::lol: Awwww.......c'mon.....I thought I was FULL of surprises!! :lol: :lol:



Just the mention of it....sent me running for it!! :lol:


Next up............"Strength In Numbers".................THEN we'll start on the Vaughn stuff!! ;):lol:

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Y'all should listen to some 'good' music like the Killer Dwarfs!!! That lightweight stuff'll hurt your ears!! Haha....


Oh.....and to cleanse myself from the 'crap' I just listened to *cough...Tyketto...cough*...I am listening to the Dwarfs!! Hehe...

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Isn't that an oxymoron??!!! :lol:


Hmmmm....I guess you 'could' turn the volume up on lightweight stuff. Seems like a waste of electricity though..............*rollin*


Oh...to stay on topic. Still have the "Method to the Madness" cd by Killer Dwarfs in....now playing...."Stranger than Fiction"!! Isn't that appropriate!!!

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Moi??? Lil 'ol me?? Hehe..............never......


Ok....Took out the Dwarfs and put in another cd that has a song with a cool intro....


"Rollercoaster" by Frontrunner............very cool.......

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Yeah......right!! :P



OK........time to get moving now........


How's about some ROXXI now.........."Drive It To Ya Hard"



Better??? :lol:

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Much better.............


Now Playing: "Doesn't Matter" Killer Dwarfs *had to put it back in for this song......love it* and MJ....this one's for you!!

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Much better.............


Now Playing: "Doesn't Matter" Killer Dwarfs *had to put it back in for this song......love it* and MJ....this one's for you!!

:o Wow!!! Took some doing......but I found this song!! Wow!!


Thanks..... :)


Ok.......off to look for some KD stuff now.... :lol:

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Just finished listening to Satanicide - Heather. I am so relieved. One seller on eBay had compared it to the Darkness and I was really worried that it would be (like Justin Hawkins' vocals, anyway.) Thank heavens, it's not. It's actually a GREAT CD! I'm so glad I took a chance on it.


Not a melodic CD at all. Straight ahead power rock sung (or screamed) with an attitude. Plus, how can you not smile at a metal version of Celine Dion's "My Heart Will Go On" from the Titanic?

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