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  • Posts

    • Not loving the new songs but they're okay. 'Bad karma' has some pretty cool verses.  Very sad to hear about James Christian and wishing him all the very best and a successful speedy recovery. 
    • Basic, safe and simple stuff... but admittedly pretty easy on the ears. 
    • I'll have to re-listen. Maybe. I think I was content to write it off, to be honest. When I read this post I couldn't even remember one of these songs except the first one, vaguely, which I think tells me all I need to know about the album. 
    • lol, band doesn't present too great, visually, but the songs seem decent. Probably pretty safe overall, but solid stuff.  
    • Absolutely love that one. Other two are very nice too. Second one better of the two. 
    • Things may be different now, but their awesomeness is no different. Will check this out asap. 
    • Did I hear even Castronovo came out and said it had nothing at all to do with Avenged Sevenfold?  I was listening to a commentator on one hand appreciating Schon's support for his vocalist (and I can agree with that), but on the other hand, no one's doubting the dickhead-ness of trying to throw innocent bystanders under the bus. What a twat. 
    • Absolutely immaculate. Instant top 5, maybe even top 3, 2 or 1(?) song of the year for me. 
    • Yeah, I like Bing for what it is... like I say, as long as you don't need to include text.  Haha, I did think of creating a thread. Maybe. We'll see. I'm still very sheepish to share it anywhere with the lyrics from what seems like a lifetime ago. I persisted as it's a snapshot of a moment in time, but still very cringey, though. Will be interesting to see my mindset when I drop albums with new songs. Thanks for the pre-order of the CD. I'll keep that in mind when drafting up expenses. I do actually agree that a vital part of a song is the lyrics, and there is no doubt that when you construct lyrics you're directing them towards a melody in your head, that I find Suno picks up on to some degree, especially if you space the words/sentences/lines out in a certain manner. I've particularly noticed with my newly written songs I can sculpt where I want the melody to go with more effectiveness. I have one song (out of a lot, lol) which is more or less exactly as I imagined it bar some barely audible lyrics in the outro... but the rest is more of less right from my head.   Anyway, I was making a point. I do agree that lyrics are a massive part of a song. To me, they're incredibly important. I guess the point I was making with regards to my older songs, is that because I have such a low opinion of my lyrics, they're contributing less to the song as they're the worst part, imo, and the good parts are all done by the AI, is my point, lol. But to my point above, I should admit that the lyrics - good or bad - are the reason for the rest of it. So who knows?  I'll look forward to your EP, artwork and all.  I wouldn't worry too much about my prompts as every time I hear one of your works I'm always like, "how is he getting these killer riffs with such simple prompts?" lol. So I think it's working for you. But to answer your question, I actually got deep into it early on and set aside my favourite 20 songs (from my earlier batches) and I marked off in a spreadsheet what the most common prompts were across those 20 songs. Before I tell you my findings, keep in mind I then used these prompts to hopefully get all killer songs afterwards, and it doesn't work that way. Even if you use the same prompts 2-3 times in a row you'll notice some curveball results, and I get the impression it doesn't work well with continuous identical prompts.  Anyway, some of my go-to prompts are "melodic hard rock," "big chorus," (or catchy, or huge), heavy or intense guitar riffs, "emotive vocals" though vocals are hit and miss and don't seem to have anything to do with prompts. I now generally typoe "male vocals" as the un-prompted female vocal results were giving me the shits. Though I have noticed when I type in other favourite prompts of mine like "sleaze metal" or "glam metal" you can get some pretty shrieky kind of vocals, and harsh rasps. "80s" and "hooks" also had decent results, but so did "big production" but I'm yet to trust this prompt makes any difference either, to the sound quality. Undecided. I also personally like 'alt-rock' (or 'alternative rock') and post-hardcore as to me they just make good rock songs, often ballads, which align with what I like, but may not be for everyone. Happy hunting!    
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