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Quireboys - Wardour Street ... new album (Spike version)

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Spike, Nigel Mogg, Chris Johnstone, Rudy Richman and Luke Morley are delighted to announce that the new Quireboys album 'Wardour Street' is now available on presale through their worldwide distributor Cadiz Music.

The album is dedicated to Guy Bailey's memory.

It's the album he wanted the band to make. Included in the presale are these exclusive items: Album launch event in London / box set / exclusive gig T shirt. This is a private party to meet the band and an acoustic gig. Only 100 tickets will be available.

Box Set includes: • Exclusive rose coloured vinyl • CD • Cassette (only available in the box set) • Silk scarf • Shot glass • Laminates • Signed lyric sheets • Poster

Also available: • Limited edition box set • Limited edition white vinyl Ip • Digipak CD




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