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White Supremacy Speed Bumps


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Dont know if anyones seen this unedited footage of xmas paraders being used as speed bumps but it's pretty gnarly, anyone want to take bets on how long b4 the cringe inducing comedians from MSNBC or CNN tag this as being racially motivated, or an act of white supremacy??? those guys are so edgy and crafty in their sarcasm, sometimes it's hard to tell when their being serious.



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Oh! least we find out this person or GGER, I should say, is a BLM cockroach, who may have acted in protest of the Rittenhouse verdict, if this is the case, I'm going to have a spur of the moment business trip land on my desk, were going to witness the 1st time in all of this that the main 4 pro American organizations in the US will converge in one place, I of course will just be going as a spectator, to the awesome display of patriotism that will no doubt be on display towards anyone from BLM who incited and or knew of this horrendous activity that wiped little kids off the face of the earth, their going to find out they wont be found not guilty, and it will be because their black, black trash, that needs to be taken out to the curb for the garbage man. fucking worthless human excrement, we put up with their little tantrums at every turn, but when you target children, I got no problems with vigilantes, and I got no problem meeting it head on, you don't fuck with little kids, every convict, criminal, mob boss, felon, murderer, etc on the planet know there aren't very many rules, but there are a couple, and not fucking with kids is in the top 2, I guess single digit IQ doesn't afford you the luxury of knowing this, now I gotta go downstairs and hit the bag, b4 I blow a vein in my brain. and if I weren't an Atheist, I'd be praying my balls off this is not what's happened, it's a whole new game if this is true, so I pray it isn't, and I hope those kids who are at deaths door pull their little kid spirit out and take a turn for the better, and survive, they are innocent, they do not deserve to pay with their lives.

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Tragedy. But don't jump to conclusions straight away mate. Early reports are stating he was a known criminal fleeing police. Scum of the earth it's true, but maybe nothing to do with politics (for once).

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8 minutes ago, auslander said:

Tragedy. But don't jump to conclusions straight away mate. Early reports are stating he was a known criminal fleeing police. Scum of the earth it's true, but maybe nothing to do with politics (for once).

Fleeing Police? I don't see any police behind him, plus to get into this parade, he had to maneuver around several different barriers, and how many times do you see anyone flee from anything by driving their SUV directly into a gigantic crowd of people? BTW im not making it political, far as I'm concerned politics has nothing to do with it any longer, wouldn't you know my contact was right, this is black fucking trash, who bailed out of jail last Friday, so I guess it's still white supremacy right? BTW, wouldn't smart people who truly feared white supremacy be a little bit more careful about throwing that term around? I mean just common sense would say if white people are 70% of the population, then that makes me a huge minority, I mean I understand their aversion to math, but I'm not buying the bullshit anymore, they managed to make Kyle Rittenhouse's entire case about them, and there wasn't even a fucking black involved in it, it was all white, enough's enough.. or Enuff z Nuff 

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What did I say about politics? I said it WASNT ABOUT POLITICS! sadly most everything here is politics, if you like it or not, this dude wasnt fleeing anything, I dont know where you got that, thats not the case, they dont know or their not saying, which means theres a reason their not, but see I know, he was fleeing white supremacy, you dont find it odd at all, Kyle Rittenhouse was white supremacy when it was a white guy, killing 2 white guys, with a white prosecutor, and a white judge, but it was racist and white supremacy, nothing about that makes you pause? probably not, you dont understand alot of the things I rail on, you almost act dismissive like Im just babbling on about shit that ive made up or something. like I just draw out scenarios and talk about them, and theres absolutely nothing to any of it, I find that very strange

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3 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

What did I say about politics? I said it WASNT ABOUT POLITICS! sadly most everything here is politics, if you like it or not, this dude wasnt fleeing anything, I dont know where you got that, thats not the case, they dont know or their not saying, which means theres a reason their not, but see I know, he was fleeing white supremacy, you dont find it odd at all, Kyle Rittenhouse was white supremacy when it was a white guy, killing 2 white guys, with a white prosecutor, and a white judge, but it was racist and white supremacy, nothing about that makes you pause? probably not, you dont understand alot of the things I rail on, you almost act dismissive like Im just babbling on about shit that ive made up or something. like I just draw out scenarios and talk about them, and theres absolutely nothing to any of it, I find that very strange

1. I didnt even know the guy was black

2. I casually read a small piece yesterday about a car impacting some pedestrians and thought 'that's a bit sad'

3. I didnt think 'I know, let's start another thread on a music forum and spout some more paranoia about god knows what '


get a life ;)




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10 hours ago, Glen said:

1. I didnt even know the guy was black

2. I casually read a small piece yesterday about a car impacting some pedestrians and thought 'that's a bit sad'

3. I didnt think 'I know, let's start another thread on a music forum and spout some more paranoia about god knows what '


get a life ;)




But you responded to it.

Whats paranoid about it? burying my head in the sand and pretending life is going on? sorry we all dont sit back in our stable government and joke about and laugh off shit going on in other country's, hey isnt that the same thing you brits are always talking shit on Americans for doing??? interesting.


BTW, why are you so upset, because everything im saying is right? that shouldnt be the reason to hate on someone, that should be your cue to wise up, I know what the fuck im talking about, you dont.

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2 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

But you responded to it.

Whats paranoid about it? burying my head in the sand and pretending life is going on? sorry we all dont sit back in our stable government and joke about and laugh off shit going on in other country's, hey isnt that the same thing you brits are always talking shit on Americans for doing??? interesting.


BTW, why are you so upset, because everything im saying is right? that shouldnt be the reason to hate on someone, that should be your cue to wise up, I know what the fuck im talking about, you dont.

just questioning why you feel the need to talk about it on a music forum

We all get you live and die this shit but thread after thread about what's going on in the US ?? really?



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Well Glen, I talk about it on all kinds of forums, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, I don't use the music forums music boards to discuss it, I use the Flamefest board, isn't that what it's for? if im incorrect well just let me know, but as you can see most people who are not in the US are the ones who discuss it with me, some of them are sincerely interested in this shit, just cause your not doesn't mean nobody is, many of them only get one side of the news, like yourself I assume, Dusty posted a perfect example of just how fucking wack the MSM is, just because you don't care my country is about to break out into a civil war, or you don't want to believe that or whatever, doesn't make its untrue, and just cause you don't understand whats going on, don't mean it don't make no sense, and just cause you don't like it don't mean it aint no good, and b4 you take a walk in my world, you better take a look in the real world, cause this aint no Mr. rogers neighborhood, can you say feel like shit? yeah maybe sometimes I do feel shit, I aint happy about it but id rather feel like shit then be full of shit, and if I offend you well maybe you need to be offended, well heres my apology, and one more thing, FUCK YOU!!! LOL

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On 11/22/2021 at 12:34 PM, Doug said:

What occurred (and the video) is heartbreaking.....

Im sure you know by now, it is heartbreaking, youtube just gave me a strike for posting this video, what do you think about that?

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  • 2024 Gold Donors
3 hours ago, auslander said:

These events make me realise again how awesome it is to live in Australia. I am truly blessed.

These things aren't as prevalent here, but they still happen.

Don't forget, the Bourke Street massacre wasn't that long ago.

I don't think any country is immune from the actions of cunts.

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Do you Aussies have race baiters? or does your media brainwash the stupid in your country to believe everyones against them? what really sucks is the further the left go left, the more it pushes me right, because they lie about shit, like totally just make shit up, did you know more then half of the country who were involved in the shit with Kyle Rittenhouse had no clue he didnt kill black people? read that again, because of CNN and Msnbc they had no clue no black people were killed, think about that for a minute, thats fucking dangerous,, they are preying on stupid people, how hard is it to read the facts of the case,, this is why you havent seen more widespread violence over it, did you know theres a black armed militia in front of the Georgia courthouse who have called for and made violent threats if Ahmed Arbury's killers are found not guilty, but the garbage mouthpiece for the white house went out yesterday and called the Proud Boys by name as one of the most violent white supremacist militias in the world who are causing all the violence in the US? we are a beer drinking club, nothing more, and when stupid people hear that they believe it, what do you think would happen if the proud boys showed up in front of the Georgia courthouse armed in full combat gear, and threatened violence? dude this Government is going to start a civil war.

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  • 2024 Gold Donors
15 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

 dude this Government is going to start a civil war.

As unthinkable as that is mate, I feel it's a possibility. 

I just found out about the "NFAC".

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5 hours ago, Darkstone said:

As unthinkable as that is mate, I feel it's a possibility. 

I just found out about the "NFAC".

I posted a a thread on them a little while back, their fucking ridiculous, their leader just went to prison, they claim to be ex military and so far 2 members have accidentally shot themselves, their almost comical, turns out like 2 of them were military, dishonorably discharged, the rest are just criminals, a bunch of them got popped carrying guns around as felons, their a fucking joke.


Page 5 on the PBs thread, there's even a 19 second clip of one of the geniuses shooting themselves in the foot

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8 hours ago, Darkstone said:

As unthinkable as that is mate, I feel it's a possibility. 

I just found out about the "NFAC".

only in Cody's deluded mind.

99.99999999999% of the country will do absolutely nothing and just vote in the next election like normal 😉

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6 minutes ago, Metal T said:


I've never created a thread on politics. Stop creating threads and I will never comment on politics ever again.

Now there's a challenge for Cody and Russ 😉🤔🙏

Which they will not be able to keep 😉🤣🤣👍

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
3 hours ago, Glen said:

I've never created a thread on politics. Stop creating threads and I will never comment on politics ever again.

Now there's a challenge for Cody and Russ 😉🤔🙏

Which they will not be able to keep 😉🤣🤣👍

Most of the threads start out innocently enough but end up getting political.

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9 hours ago, Glen said:

I've never created a thread on politics. Stop creating threads and I will never comment on politics ever again.

Now there's a challenge for Cody and Russ 😉🤔🙏

Which they will not be able to keep 😉🤣🤣👍

stop responding and i'll stop creating! for someone who cares nothing about the USA or anything going on it, you sure seem to know the climate around here, you been flying in for some demonstrations? you make it sound like I'm way out there, when Ive been pretty damn accurate on everything ive said, but I forgot your the guy who says just get vaxed, cause they say it works, whats it gonna harm, It kind of seems your a little bit deluded, kind of a yes man, or in the US Ight Massa




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