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Forgotten Hard Rock Albums - Dirty Blonde - "Passion" (1989)


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Another of my blind cassette purchases back in 1989. Never heard of 'em but they looked cool and the song titles were good so I took a chance. "Passion" is everything you could love about glammy hard rock from the 80's. Memorable choruses and excellent musicianship, this album includes one of my all time favorite songs "Passion". 

If you've never heard this band, buy it now! It even got a fresh remaster on Demon Doll a few years ago.

One of the best forgotten albums from 1989. 

2 of my favorites...... the only 2 songs on YouTube: (edit: I uploaded and added a few more tracks)






Edited by AlphaMale
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Yeah pretty good disc...

how is the Demon Doll remaster sounding? their remaster of Blonz & Lixx Array didn't sound really any different to me...well not enough that I noticed.

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1 hour ago, lettard said:

Yeah pretty good disc...

how is the Demon Doll remaster sounding? their remaster of Blonz & Lixx Array didn't sound really any different to me...well not enough that I noticed.

Same as those 2. Not much of a noticeable difference. I will say it's a bit more punchy.


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Did this ever happen?

From: David Date: March 4, 2005 at 17:24
Geoff, you think this release was good, wait to you hear their second album recorded in 1993 coming soon at www.suncityrecords.com
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37 minutes ago, AlphaMale said:

Did this ever happen?

From: David Date: March 4, 2005 at 17:24
Geoff, you think this release was good, wait to you hear their second album recorded in 1993 coming soon at www.suncityrecords.com

Interstin'...don't think it did...If I remember from around that time suncity released quite a few albums from the likes of Dirty Rhythm, Big Guns . Johnny Crash & Slash Puppet...but don't remember this seeing the light of day...maybe someone has more info,I know that suncity still sell disc through an ebay seller but the same stuff as before and very expensive.

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30 minutes ago, lettard said:

Interstin'...don't think it did...If I remember from around that time suncity released quite a few albums from the likes of Dirty Rhythm, Big Guns . Johnny Crash & Slash Puppet...but don't remember this seeing the light of day...maybe someone has more info,I know that suncity still sell disc through an ebay seller but the same stuff as before and very expensive.

Did you see this on Amazon??

Restless, Young & Wild (Dirty Blonde Original Mix 2021 Re-Master) by Kenny McCafferty on Amazon Music - Amazon.com

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7 hours ago, AlphaMale said:

I honestly did not...but is it a 2nd Dirty Blonde disc? :unsure: but clicking the link I must say it is of interest...Feb '21 is pretty recent.

In the Uk its only available as Kenny McCafferty 2020 remaster track by track :(

Amazon.co.uk : Kenny McCafferty

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1 hour ago, lettard said:

I honestly did not...but is it a 2nd Dirty Blonde disc? :unsure: but clicking the link I must say it is of interest...Feb '21 is pretty recent.

In the Uk its only available as Kenny McCafferty 2020 remaster track by track :(

Amazon.co.uk : Kenny McCafferty

Thinking the ones that say unreleased are possibly from 2nd album.

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