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  • My Little Pony
7 hours ago, nyoilers said:

I was hoping for a lot of people congratulating me and instead things took a turn !

Shh. Quiet. The adults are talking. 

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Well I'm always under the perception I know everyone in here, and if I said something that truly offended anyone, they wouldnt hesitate to PM me or just tell me out on the board hey that's fucked up, and it offends me, I mean I would hope they would, as I state often, I consider the people on here friends, and If someone figured out a way to offend me, I'd certainly tell them hey man, thats fucked up, but I guess I dont take things offensively, I believe what I believe, If I have a problem with you i'll say it, on PM, as I will not call someone out in a rude manner on the boards, and I will be the first to stick up for people getting hammered on, which thankfully doesnt go on here, but it does go on daily on FB, and Twitter, did I mention I'm banned on twitter, lol, im fully aware of the things I say, but I never try to personally insult anyone, if your black, I take you as a person, but that doesnt mean I will not call out the bullshit going on by BLM, as they have made it about race,and race only,  if your gay, or trans, or LGBTQRSP, great, I'm very liberal towards that shit, but I still use the classic vocabulary, and cause I call someone a fag, or gay, doesnt mean I mean their homosexual, and the origin of those words dont sit on anything to do with homosexuality, they were hijacked, I dont say anything on here I dont say on FB or Insta, and I do get punished sometimes, but  if your homosexual, and I hurt your feelings, tell me, if your offended by me, tell me, I dont read minds. Sorry Dan if I'm really the reason you feel that numbers of dwindled, I'll own it, and fix it.

Edited by Leykis101
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  • 2024 Gold Donors
3 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

Well I'm always under the perception I know everyone in here, and if I said something that truly offended anyone, they wouldnt hesitate to PM me or just tell me out on the board hey that's fucked up, and it offends me, I mean I would hope they would, as I state often, I consider the people on here friends, and If someone figured out a way to offend me, I'd certainly tell them hey man, thats fucked up, but I guess I dont take things offensively, I believe what I believe, If I have a problem with you i'll say it, on PM, as I will not call someone out in a rude manner on the boards, and I will be the first to stick up for people getting hammered on, which thankfully doesnt go on here, but it does go on daily on FB, and Twitter, did I mention I'm banned on twitter, lol, im fully aware of the things I say, but I never try to personally insult anyone, if your black, I take you as a person, but that doesnt mean I will not call out the bullshit going on by BLM, as they have made it about race,and race only,  if your gay, or trans, or LGBTQRSP, great, I'm very liberal towards that shit, but I still use the classic vocabulary, and cause I call someone a fag, or gay, doesnt mean I mean their homosexual, and the origin of those words dont sit on anything to do with homosexuality, they were hijacked, I dont say anything on here I dont say on FB or Insta, and I do get punished sometimes, but  if your homosexual, and I hurt your feelings, tell me, if your offended by me, tell me, I dont read minds. Sorry Dan if I'm really the reason you feel that numbers of dwindled, I'll own it, and fix it.

Well said mate. Like you, I was a bit disappointed that someone complained to Dan.

I'm hoping they were "non regulars".


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For the record, I have never complained, nor would I.
Maybe there needs to be more emphasis on introductions.
Maybe opening discussions for new people on fav bands etc to make them a bit more comfortable.
Can be hard to jump into a group and it often appears more cliquey than it is at the start.

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On 5/3/2021 at 4:15 PM, Glen said:

I've quizzed Wes many times why he doesn't post here and not enough time is laughable. He spends his life in the mafia on FB. He is virtually the first person to post on any thread. He must be looking at it constantly. 

It is kinda sad but to be expected. He is revered in that group. 

I miss the long debates on releases that we used to have - maybe we can get back to that - been way too much politics etc recently- I've kept my promise and stayed away from those threads. 

I think it's because of instant gratification on FB.

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On 5/4/2021 at 7:55 AM, heavyharmonies said:

Umm... I don't have the power to "bring back" anyone. People will come back or participate if they want to, and will stay away or lurk if they want to, for a myriad of reasons...

... which leads me to my next subject: 


The last thing I ever want to do is be perceived as clamping down on anyone's ability to participate in discussion here, and all viewpoints and perspectives are considered equally, but dude... sometimes a little self-awareness and self-restraint could go a long way.

I loathe political correctness more than most, but some of your posts make me cringe with your choice of language and the wall-of-text rambling posts. You may not realize (or not care) that there are people here who sometimes find it offensive. I've gotten complaints. However, you're an active longtime member of the community, and it's not gotten so bad that I feel the need to step in and censor (which I don't ever like doing and have only done a handful of times over the years)... but at times it sets a "tone" that I don't think is necessarily positive for the discussions in question; it creates a "bad look".

I know that in a perfect world "nobody has the right to tell me what to say, not to say, or how to say it!", but I would appreciate it if you could recognize that the manner in which you sometimes communicate could be offputting to some of the membership here, which could contribute to a reduction in participation.

Just rein it in a bit. Do a self-edit before you hit the Save button from time to time.

I don't want you to not participate or reduce participation... just tone it down a notch or two. :)



Yeah Leykis.

Turn it the fuck down a notch or 20. LMFAO

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  • 2 weeks later...
6 hours ago, AlphaMale said:

I think Leykis has left the board. How can someone be expected to post with the hands tied behind their back?

he hasn't, I got a message from him yesterday 

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  • 2024 Gold Donors
On 5/21/2021 at 10:02 AM, AlphaMale said:

I think Leykis has left the board. How can someone be expected to post with the hands tied behind their back?

Complaining to Dan about someone via DM's is very Fucking weak IMO.

I hope Cody reconsiders.

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On 5/3/2021 at 6:56 PM, Leykis101 said:

Speaking of G-Off, where is that little fucking dirt merchant

As per a PM to the great testicle licker himself, I'm still around, dudes. Haven't left or anything like that, just a bit tied up with other (equally unimportant) stuff. Like I mentioned to Cody, I started playing Fantasy Football a few years ago and over the course of a few years (and after a nice little splash of prize money last year), it's started to take up a bit more time each year throughout the season. And one of my great loves is photography and I've landed myself in a situation where I'm 5 months behind processing the photos I've taken - a place I've never been before, and something I don't know how to recover from.

In a pre-children world maybe I get on top of this stuff a lot quicker, but I only get a tiny amount of screen time per day after I wind down from family life, and have to decide how I divide that up sensibly. Like I said to Cody, once the footy season is done here in Austraya I have no doubt I'll be back to my usual posting habits. Got not interest in the FB angle and this joint will always be my #1 go-to for music stuff... just got to find the time to drop in a bit more, and I will. 

For the record, hope you stick around, Stefan. Once I get back into the swing of things I'm sure it'll be 90% your posts I'll be dropping my 2 cents in. 

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  • My Little Pony
3 hours ago, Geoff said:

And one of my great loves is photography and I've landed myself in a situation where I'm 5 months behind processing the photos I've taken - a place I've never been before, and something I don't know how to recover from.

I've appreciated your photography in the past. Back when you used to post in that old thread with Chris Faunt, I think his name was. Is there a medium you post your photos to that I can follow?

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57 minutes ago, nyoilers said:

It's the shame of life.I post things of utmost importance !!

And the most funny thing is that you still haven't reached your 2222nd post :lol:

Edited by Stefan
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No Russ isn't lying, I was on the fence rather or not I was gonna continue to post here, and so I asked a few people, and they gave me their 2 cents, and so I decided this, I only get riled up and inflammatory in these boards, and If im correct that's what there for correct, and I was just gonna keep it to straight music, and never come in here, but then I started thinking, I don't go on the music boards and say heavy shit to people, I talk about music, so likely whoever is getting the red ass about me is in these boards, and if you can come in here and mix it up with the big shots, then run to Dan when it gets out of your comfort zone, good, you need to be offended, if you got something to say to me, say it to me, cause I would respect you as a man, now if I ever find out who you are, put your big boy pants on cause your getting barbecued,


I went and found G-Off though! he was on location making interracial stuff, in South Africa. This message is to everyone but Dan, if Dan wants me to remain on music boards only, well now, I guess that doesn't give me much option.

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
5 hours ago, KarpetRydOFunk said:

Should take some time off work, and get your post count up. Speaking of utmost importance. 

You got a point there.I'm sure everyone gets upset when I don't post

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
7 hours ago, Stefan said:

And the most funny thing is that you still haven't reached your 2222nd post :lol:

Been there,done that !

A lot of chicanery is going on....

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2 hours ago, nyoilers said:

You got a point there.I'm sure everyone gets upset when I don't post

Not me. I almost crack a half smile hoping you vanished from existence but alas you keep coming back. Michael Scott No GIF

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