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7 hours ago, Geoff said:

Yeah I'm not completely sold on Brand either. He is very intelligent, switched on and an excellent speaker, but I don't connect as much with him as I do others. Watch him every now and then but not subscribed as I'm not overly interested in a lot of his videos. 

I thank that may be partially due to his delivery style. He'll read part of a quote/sentence/article, make a pithy remark, lather rinse repeat. So it takes him a while to get through things and for the full point to come across. I think if he cut down his breaks by 50% it would be much more digestable. Still, as Lefties go, he's seemingly got more brain power and common sense than many...



;) :P

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Pushing the kids was pretty harsh, but there is no context.
Judging by the way she was speaking, accusing the police of groping her friend, you'd think that she was likely inciting them.
Doesn't justify the shove of a kid, but in a karmic world, possibly got what she deserved.

I hate these clips, and the Avi is a fucking dick.
He dissipates what he does by leaning so far to the right that he's as bad as the lefties.
The cops wouldn't be detaining a young girl unless they had a reason.
People honestly think that all 10 cops there was all in on being unfair and persecuting the girl?

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40 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

Pushing the kids was pretty harsh, but there is no context.
Judging by the way she was speaking, accusing the police of groping her friend, you'd think that she was likely inciting them.
Doesn't justify the shove of a kid, but in a karmic world, possibly got what she deserved.

I hate these clips, and the Avi is a fucking dick.
He dissipates what he does by leaning so far to the right that he's as bad as the lefties.
The cops wouldn't be detaining a young girl unless they had a reason.
People honestly think that all 10 cops there was all in on being unfair and persecuting the girl?

Hello, me in 2019. I used to think that way but over the course of the last two years I have lost all respect I ever had for the police. In this instance, I honestly don't know. I'm sure there's two sides to the story, but I'm far less inclined these days to feel any sympathy for the police considering the roles they've played in covid management. Fuck them, I regrettably say these days. 

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3 hours ago, Geoff said:

Hello, me in 2019. I used to think that way but over the course of the last two years I have lost all respect I ever had for the police. In this instance, I honestly don't know. I'm sure there's two sides to the story, but I'm far less inclined these days to feel any sympathy for the police considering the roles they've played in covid management. Fuck them, I regrettably say these days. 

In all fairness, rank-and-file police officers are caught between a rock and a hard place. They have to enforce orders from above, even ones they disagree with, or risk losing their livelihoods. I bear far more ill will towards the policy makers and the ones giving orders than frontline officers.

Now, that said:

1. The editing is manipulative IMO. I'd like to see an unedited video from several minutes PRIOR to what is shown and then through the incident, as is. As we all learned (or already knew prior) from the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, video can be twisted and turned to seemingly show what we want it to show, deep fakes notwithstanding.

2. If this incident was as heinous as the host claims, if it happened "last month" it would be everywhere and he wouldn't have waited this long to air it; he would have wanted to be on the cutting edge of interest.

Me smells a rat.

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The actual act notwithstanding, I posted the clip to show where all this Corona shit has led us.

Instituting new Govern"mental" powers. I think that's ultimately what the Worldwide end game is.

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Massachusetts health officials on Tuesday reported more than 6,500 new breakthrough cases over the past week, and 34 more deaths.

In the last week, 6,610 new breakthrough cases -- infections in people who have been vaccinated -- were reported, with 158 more vaccinated people hospitalized, Massachusetts Department of Public Health officials said Tuesday. It's a 9% increase in the rate of new breakthrough cases in Massachusetts -- last week saw 6,917 new COVID infections in vaccinated people.

The new report brings the total number of breakthrough cases to 77,647, and the death toll among people with breakthrough infections to 586.

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8 hours ago, Geoff said:

Hello, me in 2019. I used to think that way but over the course of the last two years I have lost all respect I ever had for the police. In this instance, I honestly don't know. I'm sure there's two sides to the story, but I'm far less inclined these days to feel any sympathy for the police considering the roles they've played in covid management. Fuck them, I regrettably say these days. 

Me too. I used to teach my kids to respect police. But, they have changed, or shown their true colours. They truly are the jackboots of the government, gleefully issuing fines to ordinary citizens and assaulting whomever disagrees with government policy. Fuck the pigs. I now speak of them as untrustworthy and best avoided as much as possible.

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3 hours ago, auslander said:

Me too. I used to teach my kids to respect police. But, they have changed, or shown their true colours. They truly are the jackboots of the government, gleefully issuing fines to ordinary citizens and assaulting whomever disagrees with government policy. Fuck the pigs. I now speak of them as untrustworthy and best avoided as much as possible.

OK, teach your kids to hate the police and you're setting them up for a pretty shitty life potentially.

"Fuck the pigs" 
I so hate the ACAB shit.

When you come out with generalised comments like that I think les of your mental capacity and like you a lot less.

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19 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

OK, teach your kids to hate the police and you're setting them up for a pretty shitty life potentially.

"Fuck the pigs" 
I so hate the ACAB shit.

When you come out with generalised comments like that I think les of your mental capacity and like you a lot less.

100% agreed.

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The police really haven't changed much over the last 10, 20 or 30 years...they just get a lot more negative publicity today...a cop can't fart in public without it being headline news....we are a society of laws, rules and regulations and we need cops to police and enforce those laws or our society is fucked....it's a shitty job most of the time and many people would not want to do it...and remember they are affected just like we are by all the same shit that is happening around us so maybe we should give them some credit and a little understanding....while I'm not a fan of any kind of authority , I realize that it is necessary and we should do our best to support and respect it....that's not to say we should give them a pass when they fuck up as they should be held to a higher degree of integrity and honor when compared to those they serve....

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16 hours ago, heavyharmonies said:

In all fairness, rank-and-file police officers are caught between a rock and a hard place. They have to enforce orders from above, even ones they disagree with, or risk losing their livelihoods. I bear far more ill will towards the policy makers and the ones giving orders than frontline officers.

Yeah, I do agree and I don't want people to get me wrong. I'm not a defund the police type or anything like that. My respect for the police is at the lowest it has been in my entire life, but I hope it is something that can be restored in time... though the longer this all goes on, the less hope I have at all for a future worth looking forward to. But that's another story. 

I do have some regard for police officers "just following orders" but I've seen and heard way too much to have too much sympathy. And I agree that it is the policy makers that I despise most of all, but I'd have liked to have seen some sort of resistance from the police in all of this. It's been my biggest issue through the whole thing. In the media, government and the police force, there are so few voices (and definitely no significant voices) opposing the ridiculous nature of what has happened over the last two years and is still ongoing. 

I don't understand it all, but are the police part of the government, or is there some separation there? If you're given absolutely absurd rules to enforce, I would like to see opposition to it.

And as I do with everything, I think what I would do in their situation. If I was a police officer, and I had a family to feed, what would I do? Would I stand outside a grocery store and fine a couple who removed their masks as they walked out the store? Sure as all fuckery, I would not.

I've been asked by several officers throughout the last couple of years to put my mask on before a fine was issued, so I'm 100%, definitely not just painting all police with the same brush. I know there's exceptions to every rule. But for any officer who's first instinct was to fine for mask breaches, or insane area restrictions or any of the entirely petty, pathetic laws we've had to endure over the last couple of years, for them I have no respect whatsoever. Even if you're put in the terrible situation they've been put in, there's still a way you can handle it, and a lot of the ways I've seen and heard it handled is not something I can respect. 

Anyway, I watched a cool video today. It's as if this guy took every thought I've had on the whole pandemic and said it in proper, intelligent words. If I wasn't as dumb as a wooden post these are the words I'd be saying-


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20 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

OK, teach your kids to hate the police and you're setting them up for a pretty shitty life potentially.

"Fuck the pigs" 
I so hate the ACAB shit.

When you come out with generalised comments like that I think les of your mental capacity and like you a lot less.

Where did I say I was teaching my kids to hate the police? I said I used to teach them to respect the police. Different things. So before you jump to conclusions about intelligence, look at your own ability to read and interpret information.

Having seen police grabbing people for not wearing a mask, constantly hassling people for driving across State boundaries, crushing protests that are against their employers, yeah I have lost a lot of respect for them. They are just the gun in the hand of the government. 

I don't have time or inclination to write "not all police" etc etc. Someone with a reasonable IQ would be able to take that as a given.

Also, I really don't care if you like me or not. I know you as CureTheSane and you know me as Auslander. If we passed each other on the street we'd be none the wiser. 

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16 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

The police really haven't changed much over the last 10, 20 or 30 years...they just get a lot more negative publicity today...a cop can't fart in public without it being headline news....we are a society of laws, rules and regulations and we need cops to police and enforce those laws or our society is fucked....it's a shitty job most of the time and many people would not want to do it...and remember they are affected just like we are by all the same shit that is happening around us so maybe we should give them some credit and a little understanding....while I'm not a fan of any kind of authority , I realize that it is necessary and we should do our best to support and respect it....that's not to say we should give them a pass when they fuck up as they should be held to a higher degree of integrity and honor when compared to those they serve....

Police used to have a presence in the community and used to be about more than fining people constantly. I couldn't care less about them getting a few punches in when a rapist "resists arrest" etc. But, there is less about investigating real crimes and more about controlling ordinary citizens these days.

And, I'm not sure where you live, but in my home State of Victoria the entire media machine is pro-police just like it is pro-government. There is no negative portrayal of police at all, it is the opposite, with loving shots of riot police cracking down on tradie protests being a recent example.

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14 hours ago, auslander said:

Where did I say I was teaching my kids to hate the police? I said I used to teach them to respect the police. Different things. So before you jump to conclusions about intelligence, look at your own ability to read and interpret information.

Here's my ability to read and interpret information.

You say that you no longer teach your kids to respect police.
You seem open in your statement "Fuck the pigs"
You may say that in front of them. If you don't I'm sure they will pick up on it.
Kids learn from their parents.

I'm happy with my interpretation.
It's sad that people can generalise so vigorously.
I would put forward that a MASSIVE percentage of cops are good, if not great cops.
we're looking at only a very few cops here who overstep and gain a lot of press.

I know 3 people who have applied for the force.
One got in, one didn't, one is in the process now.
Their requirements are extremely high, and not adhering to just one part of the process 100% equals a fail.
In the case of the person who didn't get in, she got through all the psych, fitness, etc, but didn't come across as confident enough in a phone interview, so that was it.

Cops are legends.

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In case anyone might have forgotten what a fucken dump Australia is right now, in a country that was ravaged by bushfires two years ago, volunteer firefighters are now required to be vaccinated to be able to provide their service. Many will not, so in an occupation where we were flying in firefighters from the US and Canada etc. at the peak of our issues to help out, we are standing volunteers down because they won't get vaccinated. Because christ almighty knows, that the last thing we want is for firefighters to be giving the fires they fight covid-19. 


That story only covers WA, but I saw an interview today with a guy from NSW and as far as I understand it's a country-wide requirement? 

I honestly just don't have the words to describe my thoughts on matters like this. Are we actually the dumbest fucking country on planet earth, or is shit like this happening in other countries? 

Imagine honestly trying to excuse actions like this if we had fires like we did a couple of years ago and able-bodied, willing and experienced firefighters were sitting at home watching houses burn on TV because their stupid fucking cunt government thought that forcing a pointless needle into their arm was more important than the work these people do. Unbe-fucking-lievable.  

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1 hour ago, Geoff said:

In case anyone might have forgotten what a fucken dump Australia is right now, in a country that was ravaged by bushfires two years ago, volunteer firefighters are now required to be vaccinated to be able to provide their service. Many will not, so in an occupation where we were flying in firefighters from the US and Canada etc. at the peak of our issues to help out, we are standing volunteers down because they won't get vaccinated. Because christ almighty knows, that the last thing we want is for firefighters to be giving the fires they fight covid-19. 


That story only covers WA, but I saw an interview today with a guy from NSW and as far as I understand it's a country-wide requirement? 

I honestly just don't have the words to describe my thoughts on matters like this. Are we actually the dumbest fucking country on planet earth, or is shit like this happening in other countries? 

Imagine honestly trying to excuse actions like this if we had fires like we did a couple of years ago and able-bodied, willing and experienced firefighters were sitting at home watching houses burn on TV because their stupid fucking cunt government thought that forcing a pointless needle into their arm was more important than the work these people do. Unbe-fucking-lievable.  

I don't know how "firefighters" are defined or utilized in Australia vs. here in the USA, but presumably they are included because as first responders they may be called upon to rescue or render medical attention to people, and you wouldn't want the first responders to be giving Covid to them, or worse having a situation where either the recipient is forced into a position of declining medical assistance or the firefighters reluctant to render it.

I actually agree with the mandatory vaccination policy in this case. 

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18 hours ago, auslander said:

Police used to have a presence in the community and used to be about more than fining people constantly. I couldn't care less about them getting a few punches in when a rapist "resists arrest" etc. But, there is less about investigating real crimes and more about controlling ordinary citizens these days.

And, I'm not sure where you live, but in my home State of Victoria the entire media machine is pro-police just like it is pro-government. There is no negative portrayal of police at all, it is the opposite, with loving shots of riot police cracking down on tradie protests being a recent example.

The media and politicians are pro-police because the vast majority of the people they serve are pro-police and until that changes you will not see either group turn against the police....which is how it should be, the more difficult we make the job of policing, the harder it will be to get people to do the job so even if you are upset with how things are being done during the pandemic, maybe you should give the cops a little bit of understanding...

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2 minutes ago, Dead Planet said:

The media and politicians are pro-police because the vast majority of the people they serve are pro-police and until that changes you will not see either group turn against the police....which is how it should be, the more difficult we make the job of policing, the harder it will be to get people to do the job so even if you are upset with how things are being done during the pandemic, maybe you should give the cops a little bit of understanding...

Yeah, that's why the entire BLM "Defund the police" movement was (and is) so fucking idiotic. The police need more assistance, resources, and training, not less.

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19 minutes ago, heavyharmonies said:

Yeah, that's why the entire BLM "Defund the police" movement was (and is) so fucking idiotic. The police need more assistance, resources, and training, not less.

Defunding the cops was never the answer....there are a few cities where they are trying to make changes, such as adding an option to the 911 emergency number where you can choose 'a mental health issue' option which sends people (not cops) who are trained to deal with the situation....which frees cops up to do the work that they are trained for....

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Berlin (CNN)Germany on Thursday announced a nationwide lockdown for the unvaccinated, as its leaders backed plans for mandatory vaccinations in the coming months.

Unvaccinated people will be banned from accessing all but the most essential businesses, such as supermarkets and pharmacies, to curb the spread of coronavirus, outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel and her successor, Olaf Scholz, announced Thursday, following crisis talks with regional leaders. Those who have recently recovered from Covid-19 are not covered by the ban.
The pair also backed proposals for mandatory vaccinations, which if voted through the parliament could take effect from February at the earliest.
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Marcus Lamb was a prominent televangelist, founder of Texas-based Christian Daystar Television Network, and an influential anti-vaccine advocate. Lamb often spoke against Covid-19 vaccines on his show, calling them an "experimental shot" that was "dangerous." Lamb's wife and children frequently appeared on the decades-old network that reportedly reached over 108 million households. The Lambs repeatedly questioned the efficacy of the vaccines, warning that they killed people, or caused them to have neurological disorders. Instead of getting vaccinated, Lamb would say, "we can pray" and use alternatives like the animal anti-parasite drug Ivermectin. But in mid-November, Lamb contracted the virus, and on Tuesday, he died.

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6 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

Here's my ability to read and interpret information.

You say that you no longer teach your kids to respect police.
You seem open in your statement "Fuck the pigs"
You may say that in front of them. If you don't I'm sure they will pick up on it.
Kids learn from their parents.

I'm happy with my interpretation.
It's sad that people can generalise so vigorously.
I would put forward that a MASSIVE percentage of cops are good, if not great cops.
we're looking at only a very few cops here who overstep and gain a lot of press.

I know 3 people who have applied for the force.
One got in, one didn't, one is in the process now.
Their requirements are extremely high, and not adhering to just one part of the process 100% equals a fail.
In the case of the person who didn't get in, she got through all the psych, fitness, etc, but didn't come across as confident enough in a phone interview, so that was it.

Cops are legends.

Aw, so sorry to offend you with three magic words that seem to be a big trigger for you. I hope you never to listen to Public Enemy as you will break down and cry. No doubt your cop buddies won't be charging into crowds with batons protesting against fascist laws. If they do, "following orders, then they are responsible for their actions.

Ps. And if I need help in parenting from you, I will let you know.

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