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6 minutes ago, auslander said:

They need to stop reporting case numbers. Report hospitalisations and deaths. Case numbers are irrelevant.

Unless the hospitalisations become overwhelming for the system then lockdowns should be avoided. Part of the issue we are having is because we locked down. It has meant the period of greatest efficacy for the vaccines has been wasted. And now that it has been finally opened up, the vaccinated are more at risk as their vaccines have become less effective. The so-called health experts have succeeded in dragging this out.

hospitalizations are up according to what I read just now. A couple of weeks ago it was around 6500. Now 8500 :(

tbh I've not been looking much, cos I'm sick of it.

Keeping fingers crossed that vaccines hold out and we can avoid further lockdowns etc. 

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1 hour ago, AlphaMale said:

Buckle up folks, it looks like a bumpy ride ahead:

Introducing Delta Plus:

Researchers Raise Concerns Over New ‘Delta Plus’ Variant of Coronavirus (voanews.com)

Like the Japanese bonus track of Delta. Yay.

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10 hours ago, auslander said:

They need to stop reporting case numbers. Report hospitalisations and deaths. Case numbers are irrelevant.

Unless the hospitalisations become overwhelming for the system then lockdowns should be avoided. Part of the issue we are having is because we locked down. It has meant the period of greatest efficacy for the vaccines has been wasted. And now that it has been finally opened up, the vaccinated are more at risk as their vaccines have become less effective. The so-called health experts have succeeded in dragging this out.

I don't know why this concept is so hard for the world to accept. This pandemic ends when we say it ends. It's really as simple as that. As long as we keep shining a blowtorch on it it's never going to stop governing our lives. The obsession with it is a far greater pandemic than the actual virus. 

I know people hate when I bring up logical thinking, but we can't just keep reporting all the covid stats as if it is the only thing on earth affecting people. If we need to keep a record of daily covid case numbers, then they should be read alongside an entire daily list of all diseases, viruses and illnesses, so we can see where it sits, in context. If we need to talk about how many hospitalisations there are, then we need a daily list of every single patient in a hospital and exactly why they're there and see where covid ranks on that list too. Same with deaths. A lot of people die in the world every single day. Not just from covid. If we're serious about saving lives, we need a daily list of every single death and what caused it, ranked. See where covid ranks on this list too, and act accordingly.

Sounds absolutely fucking ridiculous? Of course it does. But we need to stop pretending covid is the only thing on planet earth and put it into context with every single other human ailment. 

It's like the meek kid at school who runs from spiders and has a phobia for everything is currently governing how we all live our lives. If people want to live their lives in fear of this thing, I'm all for them doing that but there needs to be a time when they leave us out of it. 

I like cleaning my ears and nostrils with the tip of my penis, but do I need to enforce this method of cleanliness on the entire world? No, I do not. I am scared of losing the 386th hair in the 147th row of hairs on my head, but do I need the world around me to live in fear of hair loss? Why are we all being dragged into this stupid fucking thing? If people want to panic, let them panic, but leave the rest of us out of it. :(

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Now what?


COVID Delta and Delta Plus Variants Evade the Antibody Response


COVID Variant Concept

Cell culture studies show increased lung cell entry of the SARS-CoV-2 variants Delta and Delta Plus and reduced inhibition by antibodies.

The emergence of new SARS-CoV-2 variants that can spread rapidly and undermine vaccine-induced immunity threatens the end of the COVID-19 pandemic.


The delta variant (B.1.617.2) emerged in India and subsequently spread globally within a short time period. Also in Germany, almost all recent infections are due to this variant. In addition to Delta, so-called Delta Plus sub-variants have been observed, which carry additional mutations that may make them more dangerous.

A research team led by Stefan Pöhlmann and Markus Hoffmann from the German Primate Center – Leibniz Institute for Primate Research in Göttingen and colleagues from the Hannover Medical School, the University of Göttingen Medical Center and the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg have investigated why the Delta variant spreads so efficiently and whether Delta Plus viruses are more dangerous.

They were able to show that Delta and Delta Plus infect lung cells with higher efficiency than the original virus. In addition, one of four antibodies used to treat COVID-19 was not effective against Delta, and Delta Plus was even resistant against two therapeutic antibodies. Similarly, antibodies generated upon vaccination with the BioNTech-Pfizer and Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines were also less effective against Delta and Delta Plus compared to the original virus. Delta and Delta Plus, on the other hand, were comparably inhibited, suggesting that Delta Plus may not pose a greater risk to vaccinated persons than Delta.

Finally, it was found that individuals vaccinated first with Oxford-AstraZeneca and then with BioNTech-Pfizer had significantly more antibodies that inhibited Delta than individuals vaccinated twice with Oxford-AstraZeneca. The combination of two vaccines may thus induce a particularly strong immune protection against SARS-CoV-2 variants (The Lancet, Cell Reports, Cell Mol Immunol).

Properties of SARS-CoV-2 Delta and Delta Plus Variants

A) Summary of special properties of SARS-CoV-2 Delta and Delta Plus variants compared to the virus circulating to the beginning of the pandemic (wildtype virus). B) Heterologous vaccination with Oxford-AstraZeneca’s vector-based vaccine and BioNTech-Pfizer’s mRNA-based vaccine Induces the production of more neutralizing antibodies against the Delta variant than homologous (two-shot) vaccination with Oxford-AstraZeneca. Credit: Markus Hoffmann

At present, more than 99 percent of SARS coronavirus 2 infections caused in Germany are due to the Delta variant, according to the Robert Koch Institute. Using cell culture experiments, a team of researchers led by Stefan Pöhlmann and Markus Hoffmann was able to show that Delta is better at entering lung cells compared to the original virus (the virus that circulated during the early phase of the pandemic). In addition, Delta is better at fusing infected lung cells with uninfected cells.

“It is conceivable that by fusing cells in the respiratory tract, the Delta variant may spread more efficiently and induce more damage. This could contribute to a more severe course of COVID-19,” assumes Arora Prerna, scientist at the German Primate Center and first author of two studies specifically focusing on the Delta and Delta Plus variants.

Monoclonal antibodies are used to treat COVID-19. These antibodies are proteins that are produced by genetic engineering. Unlike our immune system, which produces a large number of different antibodies against pathogens during infection, only individual antibodies or combinations of them are used for COVID-19 therapy. The team led by Stefan Pöhlmann and Markus Hoffmann studied four of these antibodies. They found that Delta is resistant against the antibody bamlanivimab, while Delta Plus is resistant against two antibodies, bamlanivimab and etesevimab, which are used in combination for treatment of COVID-19 patients.

Delta and Delta Plus were less well inhibited (neutralized) by antibodies from infected and vaccinated individuals as compared to the original virus and this likely contributed to the rapid spread of Delta. A direct comparison of Delta and Delta Plus showed that both viruses were comparably neutralized. “This means that vaccination likely confers comparable protection against Delta and Delta Plus, and that Delta Plus is not significantly more dangerous than Delta,” says Stefan Pöhlmann.

BioNTech-Pfizer’s vaccine is the most widely used vaccine in Europe, followed by Oxford-AstraZeneca’s vaccine. Due to very rare side effects following vaccination with Oxford-AstraZeneca, it is recommended in Germany and other countries that BioNTech-Pfizer is used for the second vaccination shot in people who have already received a first shot with Oxford-AstraZeneca. This strategy is referred to as heterologous vaccination.

“Our studies show that heterologous vaccination induces significantly more neutralizing antibodies to Delta than two vaccination shots with Oxford-AstraZeneca. Individuals who have received such a heterologous vaccination may have a very good immune protection against Delta and Delta Plus,” says Markus Hoffmann.

“Our results are consistent with the observation that vaccination efficiently protects against development of severe disease after infection with the Delta variant, but frequently fails to completely suppress infection. In light of the efficient protection against severe disease, the goal continues to be a high vaccination rate. This can prevent the health care system from being overwhelmed in case of increased spread of Delta and closely related viruses during the winter months,” says Stefan Pöhlmann.

Reference: “B.1.617.2 enters and fuses lung cells with increased efficiency and evades antibodies induced by infection and vaccination” by Prerna Arora, Anzhalika Sidarovich, Nadine Krüger, Amy Kempf, Inga Nehlmeier, Luise Graichen, Anna-Sophie Moldenhauer, Martin S. Winkler, Sebastian Schulz, Hans-Martin Jäck, Metodi V. Stankov, Georg M.N. Behrens, Stefan Pöhlmann and Markus Hoffmann, 27 September 2021, Cell Reports.
DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109825

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7 hours ago, AlphaMale said:

Now what?


COVID Delta and Delta Plus Variants Evade the Antibody Response


COVID Variant Concept

Cell culture studies show increased lung cell entry of the SARS-CoV-2 variants Delta and Delta Plus and reduced inhibition by antibodies.

The emergence of new SARS-CoV-2 variants that can spread rapidly and undermine vaccine-induced immunity threatens the end of the COVID-19 pandemic.


The delta variant (B.1.617.2) emerged in India and subsequently spread globally within a short time period. Also in Germany, almost all recent infections are due to this variant. In addition to Delta, so-called Delta Plus sub-variants have been observed, which carry additional mutations that may make them more dangerous.

A research team led by Stefan Pöhlmann and Markus Hoffmann from the German Primate Center – Leibniz Institute for Primate Research in Göttingen and colleagues from the Hannover Medical School, the University of Göttingen Medical Center and the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg have investigated why the Delta variant spreads so efficiently and whether Delta Plus viruses are more dangerous.

They were able to show that Delta and Delta Plus infect lung cells with higher efficiency than the original virus. In addition, one of four antibodies used to treat COVID-19 was not effective against Delta, and Delta Plus was even resistant against two therapeutic antibodies. Similarly, antibodies generated upon vaccination with the BioNTech-Pfizer and Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines were also less effective against Delta and Delta Plus compared to the original virus. Delta and Delta Plus, on the other hand, were comparably inhibited, suggesting that Delta Plus may not pose a greater risk to vaccinated persons than Delta.

Finally, it was found that individuals vaccinated first with Oxford-AstraZeneca and then with BioNTech-Pfizer had significantly more antibodies that inhibited Delta than individuals vaccinated twice with Oxford-AstraZeneca. The combination of two vaccines may thus induce a particularly strong immune protection against SARS-CoV-2 variants (The Lancet, Cell Reports, Cell Mol Immunol).

Properties of SARS-CoV-2 Delta and Delta Plus Variants

A) Summary of special properties of SARS-CoV-2 Delta and Delta Plus variants compared to the virus circulating to the beginning of the pandemic (wildtype virus). B) Heterologous vaccination with Oxford-AstraZeneca’s vector-based vaccine and BioNTech-Pfizer’s mRNA-based vaccine Induces the production of more neutralizing antibodies against the Delta variant than homologous (two-shot) vaccination with Oxford-AstraZeneca. Credit: Markus Hoffmann

At present, more than 99 percent of SARS coronavirus 2 infections caused in Germany are due to the Delta variant, according to the Robert Koch Institute. Using cell culture experiments, a team of researchers led by Stefan Pöhlmann and Markus Hoffmann was able to show that Delta is better at entering lung cells compared to the original virus (the virus that circulated during the early phase of the pandemic). In addition, Delta is better at fusing infected lung cells with uninfected cells.

“It is conceivable that by fusing cells in the respiratory tract, the Delta variant may spread more efficiently and induce more damage. This could contribute to a more severe course of COVID-19,” assumes Arora Prerna, scientist at the German Primate Center and first author of two studies specifically focusing on the Delta and Delta Plus variants.

Monoclonal antibodies are used to treat COVID-19. These antibodies are proteins that are produced by genetic engineering. Unlike our immune system, which produces a large number of different antibodies against pathogens during infection, only individual antibodies or combinations of them are used for COVID-19 therapy. The team led by Stefan Pöhlmann and Markus Hoffmann studied four of these antibodies. They found that Delta is resistant against the antibody bamlanivimab, while Delta Plus is resistant against two antibodies, bamlanivimab and etesevimab, which are used in combination for treatment of COVID-19 patients.

Delta and Delta Plus were less well inhibited (neutralized) by antibodies from infected and vaccinated individuals as compared to the original virus and this likely contributed to the rapid spread of Delta. A direct comparison of Delta and Delta Plus showed that both viruses were comparably neutralized. “This means that vaccination likely confers comparable protection against Delta and Delta Plus, and that Delta Plus is not significantly more dangerous than Delta,” says Stefan Pöhlmann.

BioNTech-Pfizer’s vaccine is the most widely used vaccine in Europe, followed by Oxford-AstraZeneca’s vaccine. Due to very rare side effects following vaccination with Oxford-AstraZeneca, it is recommended in Germany and other countries that BioNTech-Pfizer is used for the second vaccination shot in people who have already received a first shot with Oxford-AstraZeneca. This strategy is referred to as heterologous vaccination.

“Our studies show that heterologous vaccination induces significantly more neutralizing antibodies to Delta than two vaccination shots with Oxford-AstraZeneca. Individuals who have received such a heterologous vaccination may have a very good immune protection against Delta and Delta Plus,” says Markus Hoffmann.

“Our results are consistent with the observation that vaccination efficiently protects against development of severe disease after infection with the Delta variant, but frequently fails to completely suppress infection. In light of the efficient protection against severe disease, the goal continues to be a high vaccination rate. This can prevent the health care system from being overwhelmed in case of increased spread of Delta and closely related viruses during the winter months,” says Stefan Pöhlmann.

Reference: “B.1.617.2 enters and fuses lung cells with increased efficiency and evades antibodies induced by infection and vaccination” by Prerna Arora, Anzhalika Sidarovich, Nadine Krüger, Amy Kempf, Inga Nehlmeier, Luise Graichen, Anna-Sophie Moldenhauer, Martin S. Winkler, Sebastian Schulz, Hans-Martin Jäck, Metodi V. Stankov, Georg M.N. Behrens, Stefan Pöhlmann and Markus Hoffmann, 27 September 2021, Cell Reports.
DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109825

Well, there's only two options going forward. 

Either, double down on the restrictions and inoculations or let it run and let the chips fall as they may.



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On 10/22/2021 at 3:23 AM, Geoff said:

I don't know why this concept is so hard for the world to accept. This pandemic ends when we say it ends. It's really as simple as that. As long as we keep shining a blowtorch on it it's never going to stop governing our lives. The obsession with it is a far greater pandemic than the actual virus. 

I know people hate when I bring up logical thinking, but we can't just keep reporting all the covid stats as if it is the only thing on earth affecting people. If we need to keep a record of daily covid case numbers, then they should be read alongside an entire daily list of all diseases, viruses and illnesses, so we can see where it sits, in context. If we need to talk about how many hospitalisations there are, then we need a daily list of every single patient in a hospital and exactly why they're there and see where covid ranks on that list too. Same with deaths. A lot of people die in the world every single day. Not just from covid. If we're serious about saving lives, we need a daily list of every single death and what caused it, ranked. See where covid ranks on this list too, and act accordingly.

Sounds absolutely fucking ridiculous? Of course it does. But we need to stop pretending covid is the only thing on planet earth and put it into context with every single other human ailment. 

It's like the meek kid at school who runs from spiders and has a phobia for everything is currently governing how we all live our lives. If people want to live their lives in fear of this thing, I'm all for them doing that but there needs to be a time when they leave us out of it. 

I like cleaning my ears and nostrils with the tip of my penis, but do I need to enforce this method of cleanliness on the entire world? No, I do not. I am scared of losing the 386th hair in the 147th row of hairs on my head, but do I need the world around me to live in fear of hair loss? Why are we all being dragged into this stupid fucking thing? If people want to panic, let them panic, but leave the rest of us out of it. :(

The Aussie speaks truth, I think he is wise, and racist, everything he says is caked in white supremacy.


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18 hours ago, Darkstone said:

Well, there's only two options going forward. 

Either, double down on the restrictions and inoculations or let it run and let the chips fall as they may.



So the jab is irrelevant, imagine that, wonder what card their gonna play now, maybe everybody just tried to take better care of themselves, work out, eat better, start doing alot of cardio to get the lungs and immune system healthy, washing hands, being aware and cautious but not being scared sheeple, their is no end to this  just like the flu evolves every year, so will this

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11 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

So the jab is irrelevant, imagine that, wonder what card their gonna play now, maybe everybody just tried to take better care of themselves, work out, eat better, start doing alot of cardio to get the lungs and immune system healthy, washing hands, being aware and cautious but not being scared sheeple, their is no end to this  just like the flu evolves every year, so will this

except I guess for the poor bastards over 70 who are pretty much fucked when their vaccine wanes. 

I mean we know their mortality rate was 8-15%. Right? Stats done lie.

We also know that at its peak COVID was killing as many people in the UK as every other death cause combined. Stats don't lie. 

So my take on this is booster shots will around for quite some time. Probably every year, so we better get used to it.

Not sure what they are doing in other countries but in uk, the winter booster is only for over 50. 

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Not sure if it's been the case in other places, but in my state, no double jab = no work in health care, police force, construction & trades, and all retail.
Looks like if you haven't had both jabs you also won't be allowed to shop in retail as well.

So health care, duh, but all other areas, I mean I HATE mandatory jabs in these areas, and so do many people as well.
I know a shitload of people who have been forced to leave their jobs.

Now for me this is a fucking stoopid decision, but they are so passionate against having a 5G chip injected into them or whatever, that they are leaving their jobs. Great if you're looking for a new job, they are everywhere.

The policing of people in shopping centres will be interesting.
We are expected to reach 80% double jabbed on 29 Oct and 90% on 10 Nov.

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1 hour ago, CureTheSane said:

Not sure if it's been the case in other places, but in my state, no double jab = no work in health care, police force, construction & trades, and all retail.
Looks like if you haven't had both jabs you also won't be allowed to shop in retail as well.

So health care, duh, but all other areas, I mean I HATE mandatory jabs in these areas, and so do many people as well.
I know a shitload of people who have been forced to leave their jobs.

Now for me this is a fucking stoopid decision, but they are so passionate against having a 5G chip injected into them or whatever, that they are leaving their jobs. Great if you're looking for a new job, they are everywhere.

The policing of people in shopping centres will be interesting.
We are expected to reach 80% double jabbed on 29 Oct and 90% on 10 Nov.

that sounds stupid crazy.

I think, but I might wrong, that's its just healthcare in the UK. 

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8 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

Not sure if it's been the case in other places, but in my state, no double jab = no work in health care, police force, construction & trades, and all retail.
Looks like if you haven't had both jabs you also won't be allowed to shop in retail as well.

So health care, duh, but all other areas, I mean I HATE mandatory jabs in these areas, and so do many people as well.
I know a shitload of people who have been forced to leave their jobs.

Now for me this is a fucking stoopid decision, but they are so passionate against having a 5G chip injected into them or whatever, that they are leaving their jobs. Great if you're looking for a new job, they are everywhere.

The policing of people in shopping centres will be interesting.
We are expected to reach 80% double jabbed on 29 Oct and 90% on 10 Nov.

The big nobs of Cricket Australia, are thinking that players have to  be double jab before they get on the park.

Last season they brought in a rule if the hit for four or six it's only fielder can touch the ball, so spectors cannot throw ball back in.


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The most fucked thing, is that our state government is taking a hard line of double vax. You lose your job if you refuse.
BUT THEN, it's being reported that Australian Open tennis players will be allowed in, with no vax, so long as they quarantine for 2 weeks.

The argument would be good for the economy.
Guess what else is good for the economy? People working in jobs lol

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1 hour ago, CureTheSane said:

The most fucked thing, is that our state government is taking a hard line of double vax. You lose your job if you refuse.
BUT THEN, it's being reported that Australian Open tennis players will be allowed in, with no vax, so long as they quarantine for 2 weeks.

The argument would be good for the economy.
Guess what else is good for the economy? People working in jobs lol

It's the hypocrisy and double standards everyone hates. My wife's family could only have 10 at a funeral last week but hundreds can be at a shopping centre and thousands at a horse racing event. It's fucking ridiculous. 

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20 hours ago, Glen said:

that sounds stupid crazy.

I think, but I might wrong, that's its just healthcare in the UK. 

In Australia, we will get to the point where more jobs will require vaccination than not, I am pretty sure of that. Every day another one seems to pop up. 

1 hour ago, auslander said:

It's the hypocrisy and double standards everyone hates. My wife's family could only have 10 at a funeral last week but hundreds can be at a shopping centre and thousands at a horse racing event. It's fucking ridiculous. 

I say this continuously to my Mum, but the most pointless thing you can do in Australia right now is try to understand the thinking behind any of the rules. You would genuinely need to chop your IQ in half to even begin to start understanding where they're coming from. Did I make the point about the difference between 70% and 80%, even though both levels of "eased restrictions" still apply to the same fully vaccinated people? So, if the rules are only for the fully vaxxed anyway, does it matter from 70-80% who does what? It makes zero sense. 

I hear there is a push in Victoria for the health advice that allegedly justifies all the decisions that have been made to be released publicly. 

That's where I'm hoping this thing is not forgotten and brought to light. These royal commissions are an endless blight on this country, but they could finally make themselves worthwhile and look into what's happened in Australia over the last two years... and actually hold people accountable. The absolute fucking lunacy that has happened here in the name of "public safety" is next level. 

Anyway, how we all enjoying our "freedom?" I try to discuss it with friends and colleagues but still can't understand a single fucking word they're saying behind their stupid fucking Freedom Masks. I'm glad people are getting things that are important to them back, like being able to go to the pub and I'm happy for people to have a job to do again, but fuck me I'd give back every eased restriction for these fucking cunty masks to be banished forever. Not only do I want them not to be mandated, but I would love a new law that no one anywhere for any reason can force someone to wear a mask. Because, technically, I believe we don't have to wear them in the workplace anymore. Well, not us. We'll be wearing them for the "foreseeable future." Makes me want to commit unspeakable crimes. 

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23 hours ago, Glen said:

except I guess for the poor bastards over 70 who are pretty much fucked when their vaccine wanes. 

I mean we know their mortality rate was 8-15%. Right? Stats done lie.

We also know that at its peak COVID was killing as many people in the UK as every other death cause combined. Stats don't lie. 

So my take on this is booster shots will around for quite some time. Probably every year, so we better get used to it.

Not sure what they are doing in other countries but in uk, the winter booster is only for over 50. 

Glen I HAVE FUCKING KIDNEY DISEASE AND SARCOIDOSIS, I'm if not more then equally as at risk as the 70 and older crowd, it's why I think this is a fucking sham, and you are the sheeple, that vax doesnt do shit, people who are vaxed still contract and spread it, and die, you say it makes it better, but how do you really know that? how about you believe the mumbo jumbo, and get your boosters every 10 days and go get locked down when your told, but I'm not worried about this shit, I'm certainly not dying if I catch it a 2nd or 3rd time, and when this new variant hits where your at, and your vax is completely worthless, then whats your plan? you do know this new variant is completely shifty right? that vax has zero effect on it, are you just gonna hide in your house till they tell you a new vax is ready? I'd be more scared of getting slammed into by a car, come on people, question everything, like why Hall & Oats don't put any new shit out. 

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8 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

 I'd be more scared of getting slammed into by a car, come on people, question everything, like why Hall & Oats don't put any new shit out. 

An ex brother in law is convinced that Bill Gates has implanted nano-bots into everyone with the covid vax. He's a tool lol.

But now I'm gonna tell him about how Hall & Oates are involved too. That will blow his mind! Haha.

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8 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

Glen I HAVE FUCKING KIDNEY DISEASE AND SARCOIDOSIS, I'm if not more then equally as at risk as the 70 and older crowd, it's why I think this is a fucking sham, and you are the sheeple, that vax doesnt do shit, people who are vaxed still contract and spread it, and die, you say it makes it better, but how do you really know that? how about you believe the mumbo jumbo, and get your boosters every 10 days and go get locked down when your told, but I'm not worried about this shit, I'm certainly not dying if I catch it a 2nd or 3rd time, and when this new variant hits where your at, and your vax is completely worthless, then whats your plan? you do know this new variant is completely shifty right? that vax has zero effect on it, are you just gonna hide in your house till they tell you a new vax is ready? I'd be more scared of getting slammed into by a car, come on people, question everything, like why Hall & Oats don't put any new shit out. 

mate people vaxxed in the UK are generally not dying . Fact..Most people getting ill, hospitalised and dying are unvaxxed. see my post above.

Flu jabs are tweaked every year to deal with new strains, COVID will be exactly the same.


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4 minutes ago, Glen said:

that vax doesnt do shit

lol. In Jan we had nearly 2000 people a day dying.

Now we have around 100 a day dying (mostly unvaccinated people), with 50,000 cases a day.

but yeah that vax doesn't do shit ;)


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They should start testing everyone who is fully vaccinated and determine the percentage of them that test positive. Why after your double jab are you considered immune to the disease when that's simply not true.

Your symptoms might be less severe but you could still die and you could still be passing on to other people who it might kill.

Why are they not testing the fully vaccinated? 

Edited by AlphaMale
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8 minutes ago, AlphaMale said:

They should start testing everyone who is fully vaccinated and determine the percentage of them that test positive. Why after your double are you considered immune to the disease when that's simply not true.

Your symptoms might be less severe but you could still die and you could still be passing on to other people who it might kill.

Why are they not testing the fully vaccinated? 

Ehh? Nobody ever said that getting vaccinated prevents you from getting the disease. It doesn't make you immune.

It lowers your chances of contracting it and passing it on, and more importantly greatly lowers the effect of COVID-19 *IF* you get it. Just like a flu shot doesn't prevent you from getting the flu.

Cumulatively across the population, the fewer non-active hosts the virus has a chance to spread to, the lesser the chance it continues on. While it may not die out entirely, having a fully immunized population means that any flare-ups will be much smaller in size and severity.

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