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3 hours ago, Darkstone said:

Does that not worry you mate? Does that not raise a huge red flag for you?

Being FORCED to submit to an annual injection as opposed to a voluntary flu shot, as in the past, is not right and frankly unbelievable TBH.

Not to mention the changing goal posts when it comes to the vaccine. 

Firstly, it was get vaccinated and you'll be safe from covid, then it was get vaccinated and you'll reduce the severity of covid, now we're talking booster shots.


The World has gone insane.

I dont feel forced, im glad to take it. 

You'll take it, nothing will happen to you and then you can carry on as normal.

job done. 

And I believe Aus will open up. If they don't then that is pretty crazy, but even they aren't that stupid. 

But I doubt it will be this year as your double jab rate is still far too low.

We are now jabbing down to 12 years old. 

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1 hour ago, Geoff said:


I was meant to ask Glen, as I'm genuinely curious. And any other foreigners too... but what's the travel situation like in your part/s of the world? Do you need a covid test before you travel, when you arrive at your destination, and when leave and when you return? Tests you must pay for? And after all that, do you need to quarantine when you get home? And if so, for how long?  

I am currently in Crete on holiday and this is the situation flying from the UK 

If you are double jabbed you don't need to do a PCR test before departure and you don't need to quarantine on your return. You need to have proof of your vacination status,in the UK we have covid certificates but no one checked them when we landed in Crete, also you must complete a passenger locator form for entry to the country you are traveling to and one for your return home.

48 hrs prior to your departure home you must do an antigen test at a cost of 24 euros and do a home test on day 2 when you get back at a cost of £43.

Masks are mandatory in the airport and on the flight apart from when you are eating and drinking. So just keep ordering drinks and you don't have to wear your mask 🍺🍺🍺😁

Apart from that it's really no different here than it was pre covid 

BTW I flew out of Belfast and we only have a population of 1.8 million in N.Ireland and are covid rates are the third highest in the world.

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27 minutes ago, Mr.AOR said:


48 hrs prior to your departure home you must do an antigen test at a cost of 24 euros and do a home test on day 2 when you get back at a cost of £43.

Masks are mandatory in the airport and on the flight apart from when you are eating and drinking. So just keep ordering drinks and you don't have to wear your mask 🍺🍺🍺😁


Yeah, stuff like this is what I hear and don't like. This guilty until proven innocent assumption that everyone has covid until they prove that they don't. When it shouldn't even matter anyway, if everyone's vaccinated. 

That concept of forking out money for what would be futile tests 99.9% of the time really irritates me. If some fucking idiot needs to see covid tests from fully vaccinated people, then that stupid cunt should be footing the bill. Does it count for kids too? So is a family of four forking out 96 Euro + 172 Pounds just on stupid covid tests? Holy shit, that's au$480!!! That would be a massive deterrent to ever travel again if that shit was enforced.

How is the mask wearing enforced? Are there fines applicable in airports and planes if you are seen not wearing one? I honestly wonder if there will ever be a day again when they are not mandatory on planes and in airports. Letting fear and panic rule... what a proud race of beings we've become.  

Oh, and what happens when you arrive home in the time before your test on day two? You still go back to work as normal?

Edited by Geoff
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Mask wearing in our airport was not being enforced lots of people not wearing them BUT you won't be allowed on the plane without one but the minute we took off they started serving food and drink so I had no mask on the majority of the flight.

As for arriving home you go straight back to work and you won't know if you have it until your day 2 result comes back, so you could be spreading it  if you are positive. 

That said I had it back in February and I was completely asymptomatic not a fucking thing did I have, this has to be the least deadly pandemic in history 

As for masks I fucking hate them, never wore one  at home  and  never will, unfortunately I had too to get on the plane but it's a price I'm prepared to pay to travel.

Edited by Mr.AOR
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18 minutes ago, Mr.AOR said:

Mask wearing in our airport was not being enforced lots of people not wearing them BUT you won't be allowed on the plane without one but the minute we took off they started serving food and drink so I had no mask on the majority of the flight.

As for arriving home you go straight back to work and you won't know if you have it until your day 2 result comes back, so you could be spreading it  if you are positive. 

That said I had it back in February and I was completely asymptomatic not a fucking thing did I have, this has to be the least deadly pandemic in history 

As for masks I fucking hate them, never wore one  at home  and  never will, unfortunately I had too to get on the plane but it's a price I'm prepared to pay to travel.

This is my problem with so much of it - most of all the mask wearing. So many of these rules are rules just for the sake of having rules. The logic in the vast majority of them is non existent. So you're basically pissing £43 down the drain to keep some braindead fuck happy. 

Yeah I was saying to someone the other day that I am sure that no other pandemic in history can boast the survival rate that covid can. Yet, the world's reaction has been one that would have you believe that it is more deadly than every pandemic humanity has ever faced before, combined. I guess if nothing more, it proves that despite technological advancements and other such impressive things, at their core, humans are getting more stupid as time progresses. 

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1 hour ago, Geoff said:

I guess if nothing more, it proves that despite technological advancements and other such impressive things, at their core, humans are getting more stupid as time progresses. 

It's like the movie Idiocracy came true except for not predicting everyone would go woke as well and therefore things are even less fun than in the movie. 

What sucks is that unlike the pilgrims who got to leave Europe for the America's when things went mental in the late middle ages, there's nowhere for us to escape these demented hordes of fools. 

I hope Elon Musk gets a move on with making a Luna colony cause I'd sign up in a heartbeat.

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We have medical workers coming out begging our government not to exit lockdown too early.
They are saying if we come out at 80% double vaxxed, they will struggle to keep up.
Like our government needed any encouragement to keep us in lockdown (and still under curfew)

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32 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

We have medical workers coming out begging our government not to exit lockdown too early.
They are saying if we come out at 80% double vaxxed, they will struggle to keep up.
Like our government needed any encouragement to keep us in lockdown (and still under curfew)

In case anyone wonders why nurses are concerned, you can read this article about Canadian nurses...


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42 minutes ago, Glen said:

I've not been abroad recently so can't comment.

but my UK holiday cost me nothing iro COVID and I never wore a mask (August 2021)

To be honest, that's the only way I think I'll be travelling for any future I can see - within my own state. I can't even say country, as even interstate travel looks unlikely for a while yet. NSW is a beautiful state, but travelling a couple of 100km either way from your home isn't exactly my idea of a proper escape.

36 minutes ago, Glen said:

looks like its all changing today in England - going to be made cheaper and easier


"But Mr Merriman said just 5% of positive tests were sequenced in July, adding that people were being "ripped off".

And Mr Merriman is 100% correct. I hope common sense prevails here and the UK can start to lead the way. Also it indicates other countries in Europe don't require mindless tests? If we're lucky in Australia, we might catch up around 2030 or so. 

35 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

We have medical workers coming out begging our government not to exit lockdown too early.
They are saying if we come out at 80% double vaxxed, they will struggle to keep up.
Like our government needed any encouragement to keep us in lockdown (and still under curfew)

Add to that the media pressure, and I'd still guess that at least half of the country, if not more, doesn't want to leave lockdown. It truly is a country of complete idiots. Generally speaking, there is no comprehension in this country that we will ever have to move on from this. That understanding just isn't there for far too many. 

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10 minutes ago, Dead Planet said:

In case anyone wonders why nurses are concerned, you can read this article about Canadian nurses...


we still have 7000 in hospital in the UK. I honestly cannot imagine what frontline workers have gone through in the last 18 months.

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Just announced.
Melbourne should come out of lockdown on 5th November

At that point we will have done 278 days in lockdown.
Of course coming out of lockdown means less then everywhere else in the world.
Still will need to wear masks inside, gatherings on no more than 10 people, 30 people at funerals, etc.
Kind of a mini lockdown, or perhaps better thought of as the fucking restricted life will will be for the foreseeable future.

But all businesses pretty much shut for another month or so.

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  • 2024 Gold Donors
1 hour ago, CureTheSane said:

Just announced.
Melbourne should come out of lockdown on 5th November

At that point we will have done 278 days in lockdown.
Of course coming out of lockdown means less then everywhere else in the world.
Still will need to wear masks inside, gatherings on no more than 10 people, 30 people at funerals, etc.
Kind of a mini lockdown, or perhaps better thought of as the fucking restricted life will will be for the foreseeable future.

But all businesses pretty much shut for another month or so.

I think out of all the tragic "side effects" experienced with these lockdowns over the last 18 months or so, the cap on funerals is right up there. You can't get that shit back.

It makes my aversion to the vaccine pale in significance TBH.


Edited by Darkstone
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5 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

Just announced.
Melbourne should come out of lockdown on 5th November

At that point we will have done 278 days in lockdown.
Of course coming out of lockdown means less then everywhere else in the world.
Still will need to wear masks inside, gatherings on no more than 10 people, 30 people at funerals, etc.
Kind of a mini lockdown, or perhaps better thought of as the fucking restricted life will will be for the foreseeable future.

But all businesses pretty much shut for another month or so.

UK roadmap was in 4 stages of at 6 weeks apart so it took us at least 24 weeks to lift all restrictions once they gave the go ahead 

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5 hours ago, Glen said:

UK roadmap was in 4 stages of at 6 weeks apart so it took us at least 24 weeks to lift all restrictions once they gave the go ahead 

You're missing the point.
At 80% vax rate we are still severely restricted, and even then, if the hospitals start to get full, back into lockdown. At 80%
Weirdest thing is that pubs are opening at 70% under restriction, but no retail can open until 80%.

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44 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

You're missing the point.
At 80% vax rate we are still severely restricted, and even then, if the hospitals start to get full, back into lockdown. At 80%
Weirdest thing is that pubs are opening at 70% under restriction, but no retail can open until 80%.

80%? single jab rate counts for shit. 

If our stats rise, lockdown is threatened here as well. Its called Plan B here. 🙄

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also, I would suggest that any percentage of single jabs does not count for shit regardless.

The % of people who then go on and get the second jab would be somewhere between 99 and 100%

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11 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

Nope. 80% double jab.

you sure? I thought Oz was still about 50%? Not that I know. I've switched off about COVID tbh. Was only saying that UK route out was quite long. tis all. 

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100% sure.
Everything I mentioned before was 70 and 80% DOUBLE vaxxed.
Not only that, the 'freedoms' we are getting are only for those who can prove that they have been double jabbed.
We have a shitload of Pfizer and Moderna arriving and recently hit our shores.

Everyone here is desperate to get a needle in their arm as the only way to realise some sort of freedom.

Victoria is now at 70% single jab, and we got an extra hour exercise outside of the home.
At 80% single jab rate, we get to go out and play tennis or gold, but must be masked. Can travel up to 15km from home (not sure what you'd be travelling for, everything still shut and can't visit friends or family)
70% double jab (around 26 October) , all retail still closed, masks mandated everywhere, 10 people allowed in pubs, more in restaurants but only if outside. Curfew gone, 50 people at weddings  and funerals, but only if outside and filly vaxxed, cannot visit friends and family, can only meet in a park.
80% double jab (around 5th November) - must wear masks everywhere indoors, retail open under restrictions, public gatherings outside 30 people, only if fully vaxxed, etc 

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7 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

100% sure.
Everything I mentioned before was 70 and 80% DOUBLE vaxxed.
Not only that, the 'freedoms' we are getting are only for those who can prove that they have been double jabbed.
We have a shitload of Pfizer and Moderna arriving and recently hit our shores.

Everyone here is desperate to get a needle in their arm as the only way to realise some sort of freedom.

Victoria is now at 70% single jab, and we got an extra hour exercise outside of the home.
At 80% single jab rate, we get to go out and play tennis or gold, but must be masked. Can travel up to 15km from home (not sure what you'd be travelling for, everything still shut and can't visit friends or family)
70% double jab (around 26 October) , all retail still closed, masks mandated everywhere, 10 people allowed in pubs, more in restaurants but only if outside. Curfew gone, 50 people at weddings  and funerals, but only if outside and filly vaxxed, cannot visit friends and family, can only meet in a park.
80% double jab (around 5th November) - must wear masks everywhere indoors, retail open under restrictions, public gatherings outside 30 people, only if fully vaxxed, etc 

The 80% is stupid with travel, my accountant lives just over 15 km. I need her to fill out my tax return or Centrelink would take my low income health card which I get yearly. Centrelink wants all my bank statements and tax return , if don't get before date it expires. They rip it up and  I start all over again.


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On 9/17/2021 at 5:46 AM, Geoff said:

Yeah, stuff like this is what I hear and don't like. This guilty until proven innocent assumption that everyone has covid until they prove that they don't. When it shouldn't even matter anyway, if everyone's vaccinated. 

That concept of forking out money for what would be futile tests 99.9% of the time really irritates me. If some fucking idiot needs to see covid tests from fully vaccinated people, then that stupid cunt should be footing the bill. Does it count for kids too? So is a family of four forking out 96 Euro + 172 Pounds just on stupid covid tests? Holy shit, that's au$480!!! That would be a massive deterrent to ever travel again if that shit was enforced.

How is the mask wearing enforced? Are there fines applicable in airports and planes if you are seen not wearing one? I honestly wonder if there will ever be a day again when they are not mandatory on planes and in airports. Letting fear and panic rule... what a proud race of beings we've become.  

Oh, and what happens when you arrive home in the time before your test on day two? You still go back to work as normal?

G-Off, you Stefan and Russ are always talking sense, you need to stop that shit, just shut up and take that jab motherfuckers, your only prolonging the inevitable, cause when it's all said and done, your getting that jab if you do it voluntarily or not.

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On 9/17/2021 at 9:18 AM, Glen said:

we still have 7000 in hospital in the UK. I honestly cannot imagine what frontline workers have gone through in the last 18 months.

Hey their on top of that here, firing nurses and frontline medical workers left and right if they dont get the jab, how productive is that when supposedly the hospitals are bulging at the seams, fucking brilliant i tell ya

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