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Sorry, I've been travelling a lot lately so haven't been around to reply to this.

Regarding the comment from Dan asking which thread I couldn't reply to, I aren't going to track that down, and luckily I don't have to as I couldn't reply to my own thread below.

Hope that helps.

Regarding the comment made about the search delay, yes I was referring to the wait timer.
I think it is silly to allow a bypass with a set donation rate.
I donated $10 last year, not because I was asked to, but because I wanted to. I didn't do it for any icon beside my name, nor did I do it for any other specific reasons. It won't stop me from donating again, but I'm inclined not to donate $20 or more on general principle.
The filter is there for spammers. I don't consider myself a spammer, like everyone else here, but that's your choice and I don't really care that much.

Only time it annoys me is when I am trying to find a thread and the search function is not working properly so a minute or 2 can potentially turn into 10 minutes.


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10 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

It won't stop me from donating again, but I'm inclined not to donate $20 or more on general principle.

The filter is there for spammers. I don't consider myself a spammer, like everyone else here, but that's your choice and I don't really care that much.


You are perfectly entitled to donate or not donate as you see fit. If the wait timer is important enough to you to prevent your donating $20 to support the site, that is your right.

The wait timer is enabled by DEFAULT out-of-the-box, so if I had left the settings is they normally are, you would still have that wait timer.

That timer is enabled to prevent the server load from spiking from bot-created autosearches and other malicious attacks.


P.S. I still don't fully understand when you say you cannot respond to your own thread. I have had no other reports (yet) from other members saying they cannot reply to threads. Is it all threads you cannot reply to or just certain ones or in certain sections of the board?

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Update: Another member messaged me that he was having similar problems in the Site Announcements forum. Somehow in the board upgrade the permissions on that forum got scrozzed. Should now be fixed. Non-admins/moderators should be able to reply to threads in that forum but not start new threads.


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On 10/22/2017 at 8:24 AM, Captain Howdy said:

Cant say I have ever had to wait 10 mins for any search. That seems a bit weird.

Multiple searches because it isn't working properly.

I just gave up ans stopped using it

Just reply to anything interesting that comes up in unread content now...

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  • 2024 Gold Donors
11 minutes ago, Stefan said:

I have no problems with the search function. About 3 seconds and the search is done.

Same here. In fact, it might even be slightly faster than before. 

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Well, both Stefan and Darkstone are in the 2017 donors group, which bypasses the search flood control entirely.

For AlphaMale and CureTheSane:

When you say "Unusable" are you referring to the time it takes for a search to execute, the fact that you have to wait between consecutive searches, or something else entirely?

The search flood control should not affect how long it takes for a search to run, only a waiting period between searches.

I would also appreciate input from others regarding the search mechanism, since this board upgrade was a major change.



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I just did a search for Steelheart and it came back with no hits

So I went to threads I have posted in and scrolled down to the topic.

Normally I just wouldn't have bothered but only did so to make sure that there was in fact a Steelheart thread and that the search function does indeed suck.

Just restricts the use of the forum and therefore my contributions which are now minimal...

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I think I see the problem. Depending on what page you are on when you do a search, the default search filter does NOT search the entire forum. It may search the current topic. It may search status updates, etc. When you first click in the search box, you need to pay attention to the filter that slides out to the left and change it accordingly.

The search does not suck. You're just using it wrong. It's different from the old board.

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Your explanation as to why it isn't working properly basically tells me that it sucks as it doesn't work like every other search function ever. :)


But thanks. I'll try again.

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