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Unfriended For Bashing Hillary


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Trump is an ass, but Hiliary is the devil. We are doomed! :yikes:


This +1



I don't envy you at all. Either way, you're screwed.



If you get Hillary , you get more of the same type of representation that you've had for many years although of a poorer quality.....if you get Trump, you get change but is it the change that everyone wants and deserves...better to take Clinton for 4 years and look for that change next time around....

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If one wins, the world burns; if the other wins, the U.S. economy burns.


These two fucking cronies are the best this country has to offer???




This. That's the most amazing thing of it all. Of your entire population, these two, of all the hundreds of millions of people there are the best two candidates to run the country? Really??


Anyway, I'd love to see Trump win just because it'd amuse me.

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If one wins, the world burns; if the other wins, the U.S. economy burns.


These two fucking cronies are the best this country has to offer???




This. That's the most amazing thing of it all. Of your entire population, these two, of all the hundreds of millions of people there are the best two candidates to run the country? Really??


Anyway, I'd love to see Trump win just because it'd amuse me.



I must admit that it would be interesting and maybe funny if Trump wins...at least from the outside looking in...

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  • My Little Pony


I'm unsure whether the UK or USA will be at civil war first,

No issues here

Yeah, that whole thing went pretty much how I expected. Nothing's happened. Not yet, anyway. And I strongly believe nothing will happen in the next four years. Everyone will talk, and complain, but no real change will occur.

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I'm unsure whether the UK or USA will be at civil war first,

No issues here

Yeah, that whole thing went pretty much how I expected. Nothing's happened. Not yet, anyway. And I strongly believe nothing will happen in the next four years. Everyone will talk, and complain, but no real change will occur.



I want to fight you, think you speak no sense at all and want to fight you again. And I never agree with you. But I actually agree with you, for once.


I was saying to my mum today, who is on the bandwagon of his term being catastrophic for the world, and I was all like - his advisors are still the same people that have been there all along and his term will probably end up being more "disappointing" to his haters than his fans. All these goonies who have it in their head that he's going to blow the world up with nuclear weapons and do all this outrageous shit... they're living in a dream world. I completely agree with you that the same thing, more or less, will keep happening and that all these moaners will have wasted all their time moaning for a grand total of nothing.

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His challenge is to keep those that voted for him on side. He can't deliver a lot of what he promised. Just won't happen.


What happens then?


Going to be full on entertainment watching him build the wall. Anybody want to bet against the contracts going to friends and family?

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Actually, Peter....the wall has been under construction since 1992. I should know, my company has built many miles of border wall/fence. I would actually smirk when they would talk about such things. The interesting thing is that during Bill Clinton's presidency they constructed more miles of wall than under any other. LOL


So....the wall will continue to be built. **my firm just bid on a section two months ago** and no one will know the difference. Now...will he get Mexico to chip in on paying for it??!! I dunno.....but there already is a big wall...lol


Oh...and the contracts to bid the wall are open to all who qualify, so there is no cronyism in that regard.

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Would love to see pics of the wall if you have any, mate. The idea intrigues and amuses me so much. If ever completed, this would be one muther f*cker of a wall, amirite?

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