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Big big mistake for everyone in the UK and Europe in general. People voting on one issue (or in some cases, pure ignorance in not even having a fucking clue on what they were voting for) rather than looking at the broader spectrum. The Prime Minister, who I am no big fan of in the first place to be honest, has now resigned aswell, leaving the door open to the blonde Imbecile to take over... You really can't make this shit up...Welcome to 'Little England' , Xenophobic capital of the world :(

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The same narrow minded attacks as on Facebook. Pathetic.


Please understand that a massive ppn of people who voted out did so for other reasons than immigration.


Also people are not xenophobic. Everyone i spoke to welcomes immigration but just want some element of control.


EU = no reform.


Dont bother replying to this post as i wont read this thread again.

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The EU was already falling apart. Fences were being erected, Greece has been sacrificed and put under immense pressure to uphold a political ideal Spain could well be next. The EU itself is impotent it cannot respond with any speed to anything that might pose an issue.Dis-economies of scale springs to mind, too big too unwieldy and without any answers to economic or social problems.

It also made me laugh when huge companies were saying how we must stay within the EU....half of them shed European jobs moving a good percentage of their operations outside the Eurozone to cut costs, so EU jobs are pretty low on their list of priorities...hypocrites.


The xenophobic card is pretty boring now and a typical knee jerk comment as well as untrue. I suppose the Scots were xenophobic back when they wanted their independence from the rest of the UK (which incidentally I support) ??

I'm all for free movement over Europe even the world but it needs an element of organisation and control. The EU by it's unwillingness to address this has created a perfect breeding ground for far right extremists to prosper. No-one I knew who voted had an issue with that, but for the people who lost out and didn't get their way after voting or start moaning after the event because they couldn't be bothered to vote it's an easy target.


So democracy spoke and the people who voted against democracy (how ironic) in favour of the EU are upset either way almost a 4% difference separating the stay and leave camps in numbers that turned out to vote not seen for over 20 years. Even people who voted to remain had doubts ...saying the EU is far from perfect and need significant reformation. People voted out as they felt powerless against the EU bods, they saw Cameron for all his bluster and bravado over achieving significant change and a new agreement come back with absolutely nothing, they felt that their wishes were not being heeded. It has happened before in the UK hence the rise of the UKIP and SNP due to people angered by the total disregard given them by the patronizing "ruling" classes, and they say "we get the message", they don't nothing changes. They do not care what people think...THEY are right - you do not even figure in their thoughts.


Now the EU leaders are saying they need to reform...we need to be more human, we need to make changes....where have we heard that in the political spectrum before??? How quickly they choose to forget and carry on as usual. "Let them eat cake" should be the EU motto.


Next you get the younger demographic moaning how they have been screwed over by the baby boomers, yawn, it's the same crew moaning about the Tories getting in at the last election....both these results would have been avoided if they weren't so COMPLACENT, so used to having everything handed to them on a plate and got off their backsides to vote but having said that when I hear them on TV saying " The reason I want to remain is so my roaming charges on my phone stay low" I worry. Turnout in areas with a younger demographic were significantly lower than other areas. You think they'd learn. Plus the few 20 - 35 yo's ones I knew were split around 50-50 over it (ok there was only about 7 of them I spoke to but still!).


Now you have some sore nimrod with a petition for pulling London out of the UK and having them ruled by Brussels ..... ffs words fail me....it's that metropolitan elitist attitude that people from other parts of the country voted against - I don't even think they understand how much they are hated. It must be hard for people living in crumbling towns losing their centres to boarded up windows to see all the money being spent 10 minutes down the road - ignored and forgotten, viewed with contempt - the middle classes, the working classes both deserted and betrayed - the people who work hard day in day out to see their taxes spent on vanity projects or bailing out rich bankers who seem impervious to any harm they cause - the divide between the have and have nots getting wider and more obscene with every passing year, you work hard and your wages go backwards. In the end they got a kicking, we may have to pay in the short term but things will change and there is a feeling they will...having said that there was the same feeling when Blair came to power and look how that turned out.


We are still part of Europe no matter what people say it's just now we have chosen to play by our own rules and have our laws determined by the people they affect directly, it's no longer a one size fits all ...if people are so desperate to be ruled by some dead eyed conglomerate of suits who only care where their next banquet is coming from....then fine there's plenty of countries to move to where they like that kind of role over and play good submission, better choose carefully though as change may well be coming in other states (note states not countries).


Anyway I could go on and on but I said elsewhere I'm done with this referendum, this is definitely my last comment as I'm sick of all the hypocracy and ill feeling from people who are crying because they didn't get their own ways, I won't be replying so anyone who wishes can have their rant as well - I AM DONE. It's now time we worked together and create something with what we have. We have the tools back in our own hands to create our destiny again after being controlled for so long so lets get together and learn use them again.

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Boris will be the next prime minister. Former Mayor of London and school buddy of Cameron. Let's see how much effort he puts in to the rest of the country.


The same problems as before will still be there. One scapegoat down people will wake up to it being the Government, not the EU, where the problems are and labour will get in next round.


This is unless Trump gets in and nukes the UK because they allowed a windfarm to be built in view of his golf course.

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The whole business is just thoroughly depressing ... not least of all because Nigel Farage (who, incidentally, isn't an elected MP) is now on TV ALL THE FUCKING TIME!


Still, kudos to the Fox News network for thinking that the UK had voted to leave the UN.


And a shout out to a mate of mine who was convinced that the EU and NATO were one and the same, and who fully expected WWIII to break out over the weekend.

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Man, depressing stuff. :crying: Even if EU struggles to communicate its politics to the level of each European citizen, I never thought that rage and populism can still prevail in highly civilized and multicultural societies like the UK.

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Britain got tired of seeing all of its colonies seek independence and decided to give it a try themselves :)

And they cannot win in main sport either.

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Yep! Hey just goes to show, we suffered the same thing here, i mean different occurrence, but same scenario, when a bunch of fucking idiots that don't know what 2+2 equals, were given the opportunity to vote a new president in, hence Obama was elected, it was alarming when 80% of the idiots and lemmings interviewed couldn't even give us the name of the guy running with him for Vice President, maybe somethings are better left without certain people having any form of say so in them?? but what do I know, Im just a fucking bigot racist, and heartless, cause I don't believe in immigration, quick way to destroy your country's structure, just let a bunch of mother fuckers in, unchecked, and let them run amuck!

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I thought it was a good result, the right result. Immigration didn't come in to it for me. We have more opportunities outside of the EU than in. Simple as that.

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Britain got tired of seeing all of its colonies seek independence and decided to give it a try themselves :)

And they cannot win in main sport either.



You haven't been following the rugby, then? ;)

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Still, kudos to the Fox News network for thinking that the UK had voted to leave the UN.


:rofl2: That's Fox News for ya. "Fact check? We don't need no steenkin' fact check."

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  • My Little Pony


Still, kudos to the Fox News network for thinking that the UK had voted to leave the UN.

:rofl2: That's Fox News for ya. "Fact check? We don't need no steenkin' fact check."

Classic Fox.

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Britain got tired of seeing all of its colonies seek independence and decided to give it a try themselves :)

And they cannot win in main sport either.



You haven't been following the rugby, then? ;)


But Eddie had coach the Wallabies before. :whistle:

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