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Vitne, Hart, SEKS DVD Compilation


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Well kiddies my good pal has a new DVD compilation available for pre order and I have ran it through once so far and if you liked all those cool band VHS video comp's from back in the day you will dig this. A little bit of bio and TONS of videos and of course for those in the know the tunes are all killers as the dude is a talent that keeps entertaining those that want it.


40a05774-012f-4f8d-b35f-944521581eb4.png Hey gang,

Just wanted to let you know I've got a new DVD coming out. It's called the Video Collection 2009-2015 and the pre-order is now open! Just for 1 week from today.

Here's what the DVD includes:
  • All 7 Vitne music videos
  • 1 Previously unreleased Vitne concept video
  • All SEKS and HART videos
  • PLUS: 4 bonus videos
The extras you can't find on YouTube or anywhere else online.

Pre-Order here: https://vitne.bandcamp.com/merch/video-collection-2009-2015-dvd-pre-order

The pre-order ships out before the standard release date. Pre-orders ship out on March 29th, while the normal release date is April 12th. Just a reminder, pre-order closes in 1 week from today on March 20th, 6AM GMT+1 time (Oslo, Norway time).

Alright gang, until next time!






And a taste:


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