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Simon Cruz has left CRASHDIET


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I just read somebody's post on Melodicrock that Simon Cruz has left CRASHDIET without much warning. Too bad, I really liked his chops on the two releases he participated on.

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Just posted on the Crashdiet facebook page -

Dear crashdiet fans

There is a reason for our lack of news lateley. The reason for that is that Simon Cruz has left CRASHDÏET. Well, actually he decided to leave in the midst of our mini tour in Japan... With no notice what so ever.
The last few months have been confusing to say the least and we haven't been sure of what to make of this... other than that our collaboration with Simon is over.

However... The recording of the new album will proceed as planned and you can expect hear more from us soon!

Yours truly
Martin, Peter and Eric

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I liked Simon. He was a way better fit in CrashDiet than Oliver was.


With that said, I loved "Generation Wild" but I was disappointed by the shitty production of "The Savage Playground". Also thought the songs on TSP weren't as memorable.


I hope they can get a suitable replacement.

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I see this as a good move actually.


I can't help but wonder how much it was his influence toward the rougher sound and his vocals were pretty weak on SG - almost shouting in places.


Hopefully we can look forward to something like Generation Wild again.

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  • My Little Pony

Just read this on the FaceTubes, and thought I would post first. Of course I'm not the first.


Anyway, I am slightly disappointed. I like his vocal style. It suits the Sleaze sound perfectly.

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D'oh!! That blows. These guys go thru singers like crap thru a goose. Generation Wild was a killer CD tho. Savage Playground, not so much.

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  • My Little Pony

Good, i hope they call it quits. Hate this band

Wow. You're the first person I know to express outright vitriol towards them.

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I'm with AlphaMale, let's get a follow up to Rest In Sleaze! Sad news but stiff shit.... We might get 2 releases out if this with any luck!

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Good, i hope they call it quits. Hate this band




Haha no just a weird attempt at humour, plus was a little frustrated when I wrote this (and drunk haha) I guess still not completely over the disappointed which was savage playground


Their not one of my favorites but I like them, got all their records

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A true "Rest In Sleaze" follow-up would be insane. That disc still blows away the rest of their discography, by far.


One of my Top 10 "if on a desert island" discs without a second thought!!


Big call. I actually prefer 'Generation Wild' personally. 'Rest In Sleaze' is a classic CD, but yeah, I prefer 'Generation Wild.'


Anyway, I'm not too pleased with this news. I thought he was a good fit, but Glen makes a good point and I wonder if he was a large contributor to how bad 'Savage Playground' was. If that was his fault, maybe it's not so bad that he's gone.


It is a shame in that I liked his vocals and thought he was a good fit for the band, but it sounds pretty permanent. Hopefully they get a good replacement and hopefully Cruz keeps active in the scene, so we can hear what he's got to offer without Crashdiet.

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I thought his vocals on SP were weak


But so was everything else too. lol.



Well the production was.........some of the songs are pretty damned killer and if they had the big production job of Generation Wild I bet the album would have shined.


However his insistence on shouting during most songs - almost like punk rock - was a detracting feature.

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A true "Rest In Sleaze" follow-up would be insane. That disc still blows away the rest of their discography, by far.


One of my Top 10 "if on a desert island" discs without a second thought!!


Big call. I actually prefer 'Generation Wild' personally. 'Rest In Sleaze' is a classic CD, but yeah, I prefer 'Generation Wild.'


Anyway, I'm not too pleased with this news. I thought he was a good fit, but Glen makes a good point and I wonder if he was a large contributor to how bad 'Savage Playground' was. If that was his fault, maybe it's not so bad that he's gone.


It is a shame in that I liked his vocals and thought he was a good fit for the band, but it sounds pretty permanent. Hopefully they get a good replacement and hopefully Cruz keeps active in the scene, so we can hear what he's got to offer without Crashdiet.


Actually the singer was in a different band before he joined Crashdiet (can't remember the name though) I just saw 2 videos on youtube and the songs were more sort of ''traditional'' 80s rock or metal but still good

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A true "Rest In Sleaze" follow-up would be insane. That disc still blows away the rest of their discography, by far.


One of my Top 10 "if on a desert island" discs without a second thought!!


Big call. I actually prefer 'Generation Wild' personally. 'Rest In Sleaze' is a classic CD, but yeah, I prefer 'Generation Wild.'


Anyway, I'm not too pleased with this news. I thought he was a good fit, but Glen makes a good point and I wonder if he was a large contributor to how bad 'Savage Playground' was. If that was his fault, maybe it's not so bad that he's gone.


It is a shame in that I liked his vocals and thought he was a good fit for the band, but it sounds pretty permanent. Hopefully they get a good replacement and hopefully Cruz keeps active in the scene, so we can hear what he's got to offer without Crashdiet.


Actually the singer was in a different band before he joined Crashdiet (can't remember the name though) I just saw 2 videos on youtube and the songs were more sort of ''traditional'' 80s rock or metal but still good






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A true "Rest In Sleaze" follow-up would be insane. That disc still blows away the rest of their discography, by far.


One of my Top 10 "if on a desert island" discs without a second thought!!


Big call. I actually prefer 'Generation Wild' personally. 'Rest In Sleaze' is a classic CD, but yeah, I prefer 'Generation Wild.'


Anyway, I'm not too pleased with this news. I thought he was a good fit, but Glen makes a good point and I wonder if he was a large contributor to how bad 'Savage Playground' was. If that was his fault, maybe it's not so bad that he's gone.


It is a shame in that I liked his vocals and thought he was a good fit for the band, but it sounds pretty permanent. Hopefully they get a good replacement and hopefully Cruz keeps active in the scene, so we can hear what he's got to offer without Crashdiet.


Actually the singer was in a different band before he joined Crashdiet (can't remember the name though) I just saw 2 videos on youtube and the songs were more sort of ''traditional'' 80s rock or metal but still good








Are any of them any good? Any official releases?

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A true "Rest In Sleaze" follow-up would be insane. That disc still blows away the rest of their discography, by far.


One of my Top 10 "if on a desert island" discs without a second thought!!


Big call. I actually prefer 'Generation Wild' personally. 'Rest In Sleaze' is a classic CD, but yeah, I prefer 'Generation Wild.'


Anyway, I'm not too pleased with this news. I thought he was a good fit, but Glen makes a good point and I wonder if he was a large contributor to how bad 'Savage Playground' was. If that was his fault, maybe it's not so bad that he's gone.


It is a shame in that I liked his vocals and thought he was a good fit for the band, but it sounds pretty permanent. Hopefully they get a good replacement and hopefully Cruz keeps active in the scene, so we can hear what he's got to offer without Crashdiet.


Actually the singer was in a different band before he joined Crashdiet (can't remember the name though) I just saw 2 videos on youtube and the songs were more sort of ''traditional'' 80s rock or metal but still good








Are any of them any good? Any official releases?



Good question!

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A true "Rest In Sleaze" follow-up would be insane. That disc still blows away the rest of their discography, by far.


One of my Top 10 "if on a desert island" discs without a second thought!!


Big call. I actually prefer 'Generation Wild' personally. 'Rest In Sleaze' is a classic CD, but yeah, I prefer 'Generation Wild.'


Anyway, I'm not too pleased with this news. I thought he was a good fit, but Glen makes a good point and I wonder if he was a large contributor to how bad 'Savage Playground' was. If that was his fault, maybe it's not so bad that he's gone.


It is a shame in that I liked his vocals and thought he was a good fit for the band, but it sounds pretty permanent. Hopefully they get a good replacement and hopefully Cruz keeps active in the scene, so we can hear what he's got to offer without Crashdiet.


Actually the singer was in a different band before he joined Crashdiet (can't remember the name though) I just saw 2 videos on youtube and the songs were more sort of ''traditional'' 80s rock or metal but still good








Are any of them any good? Any official releases?



Good question!






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