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CD Singles


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Are any of you guys cd single collectors? if you are I found a radio single for Triangle-Chain The American Heart, still sealed, dont know if any of you care or not?

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He does, but he hasn't done anything with them for a few years now... He still has stacks of them still waiting to be catalogued.


So does that mean you do want more? or dont? I also found a radio single for Bang Bang, and a few others, they are all radio absolute singles, there are NO!! standard public release singles, these are purely to be sent to radio station, opened by the SM, placed directly into a CART case, and placed in the rack in the studio, they are all from my days as an intern, I would snag any and all promos and singles I could, even ones that were promos meant to be sent to remotes, and other various activities where the disc is designated to be given away,(as to caller 9 for example) this box has been lost since 96, I gave up and figured it had been ripped off, but my ex girlfriend(like 40 ex's ago)showed up at my moms house, to give back a bunch of shit she had moved out of our storage shed, a bunch of boxes of discs and tapes were among the booty, but if anyone cares about these things, and wants them, I'll just give them to you, I have pretty much gone and ripped them all onto my hard drive, about 38 of them are still sealed, I am not going to go through and list them all, they are all commercial hard rock discs from 90 to 94, if you dig singles, their yours, if not, im going to give them to my neighbor, im basically just making sure if one of you wants them, and maybe collects them, I let you know 1st, thats all.

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Sure, I can't beat that price, thanks! I'll get back to my singles eventually; I just haven't felt like it in a while. Same thing with my movie soundtracks. My interests come and go... hard to explain. I'll go full speed ahead, immersing myself in something, get burned out, not touch it for a year or three, and then come back around again.


I'll make you an official HH donor for the year. :beerbang:





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Sure, I can't beat that price, thanks! I'll get back to my singles eventually; I just haven't felt like it in a while. Same thing with my movie soundtracks. My interests come and go... hard to explain. I'll go full speed ahead, immersing myself in something, get burned out, not touch it for a year or three, and then come back around again.


I'll make you an official HH donor for the year. :beerbang:






That is very cool bro, and yes to you other guys who responded, your not stepping on anyones toes, you are all good, I will keep my eyes open to the specific singles your looking for, except the one, you know who you are, cause WE FOUND THE ONE SOLE CD SINGLE! you looked for since 91, im just glad I had something someone was looking for, cause I know it means alot to you, and that's kind of my idea by announcing this, I know there are a few people that really like singles, and to those people, singles are a very hard to find, and undertook piece of music, but I am keeping my eyes out for the ones you've asked me, and I have replied to all of you, so everyone, the singles are spoken for, unless you have an exact single you are looking for, these are gone. thanks everybody.

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