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Killer Dwarfs Unreleased Album?


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A while back (a nice way of saying, "Christ knows when") I downloaded an album from someone, who claimed it was an unreleased Killer Dwarfs album, and I'm just getting around to listening to it now. It SOUNDS like the Killer Dwarfs; in fact I'm 99.9% certain it IS them, BUT I can't find any mention of this supposed album anywhere. No one seems to know fuck all about it, and if they do, they're not saying anything at all. It's strange - you play a track you KNOW is from a Killer Dwarfs CD, and then immediately follow it up with one of the mystery tracks, and it sounds exactly like Russ Dwarf, or at least a very impressive imitator. Anyone else ever have this dilemma where they receive something they can't verify as being the real McCoy, but the content makes it impossible to believe otherwise? The first 3 tracks are Just Another Day, Psycho Circus Clown, and Keep My Life. Anyone else familiar with this?

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A while back (a nice way of saying, "Christ knows when") I downloaded an album from someone, who claimed it was an unreleased Killer Dwarfs album, and I'm just getting around to listening to it now. It SOUNDS like the Killer Dwarfs; in fact I'm 99.9% certain it IS them, BUT I can't find any mention of this supposed album anywhere. No one seems to know fuck all about it, and if they do, they're not saying anything at all. It's strange - you play a track you KNOW is from a Killer Dwarfs CD, and then immediately follow it up with one of the mystery tracks, and it sounds exactly like Russ Dwarf, or at least a very impressive imitator. Anyone else ever have this dilemma where they receive something they can't verify as being the real McCoy, but the content makes it impossible to believe otherwise? The first 3 tracks are Just Another Day, Psycho Circus Clown, and Keep My Life. Anyone else familiar with this?

Would you be up for sharing this mystery album? I for one would be very interested to hear it. :tumbsup:

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I just found it listed in someone's collection online as Just Another Day from 2006, but the official site doesn't have even a passing mention of it. And as for sharing it, why isn't that il-le-gal? :angel:

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I just found it listed in someone's collection online as Just Another Day from 2006, but the official site doesn't have even a passing mention of it.

Wowser. Is it still the Killer Dwarfs we knew and loved, or is it a more grungy disc?

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Is it Penny Black?.....Russel's band after the Dwarf's?? I don't have mine in front of me to look at the track listing.....


If that is an unreleased...or tracks from the Dwarfs that I've never heard, I would LOVE it...as they are one of my favorite bands!

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Ok..I just checked...those titles are not from the Penny Black release!!


Ok Axe........time to copy that shit for me.......us.....!!! LOL

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Ok guys...check this out.......very cool song from 1985...unreleased....


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Okay, you twisted my arm. Anyone wanting a reasonable facsimile (notice I didn't say "copy") of the 10 tracks, drop me a PM with an e-mail addy. Those of you with first born children, I'm sure a trade wouldn't be out of the question. If you're particularly good at shameless bum-smooching, or just plain old flattery, I'm even open to passing them along with no strings attached. :christmas:

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I just found it listed in someone's collection online as Just Another Day from 2006, but the official site doesn't have even a passing mention of it. And as for sharing it, why isn't that il-le-gal? :angel:




That cd title is correct but I have no other info. Anyone who likes KD will like this cd. 10 tracks total...

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I just found it listed in someone's collection online as Just Another Day from 2006, but the official site doesn't have even a passing mention of it. And as for sharing it, why isn't that il-le-gal? :angel:




That cd title is correct but I have no other info. Anyone who likes KD will like this cd. 10 tracks total...


What album does it sound like Jarred? And when was it recorded, after Method?

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I just found it listed in someone's collection online as Just Another Day from 2006, but the official site doesn't have even a passing mention of it. And as for sharing it, why isn't that il-le-gal? :angel:




That cd title is correct but I have no other info. Anyone who likes KD will like this cd. 10 tracks total...


What album does it sound like Jarred? And when was it recorded, after Method?





It's really hard to tell. Could have been right after...doesn't sound really old or dated. One things for sure...the tracks all sound from the same time period so I don't believe they are odds n ends. I can send it out if you guys would like. I have a lot of people's email addys from before but send me a PM reminder of which one is yours. I'll send out the files tonight after I get everyone's PM.

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After listening to it closer it could have very easily been recorded in 1993 or 1994. I believe they disbanded the first time in 1993 so it's not likely to be after that. I wonder if it's Jason Hook playing on the album? I don't remember it being this good but it is. Unfortuantely I couldnt find a damn thing about the album when I Googled it :(

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What's the production/sound quality? Is it finished or just rough demos?


I wouldn't mind hearing this...





The quality is actually very good...I still think that it might be Hook playing guitar. Doesn't sound like the other guys at all. Shoot me your e-mail Dan and I'll get it to you with everyone else tonight.

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What's the production/sound quality? Is it finished or just rough demos?


I wouldn't mind hearing this...





The quality is actually very good...I still think that it might be Hook playing guitar. Doesn't sound like the other guys at all. Shoot me your e-mail Dan and I'll get it to you with everyone else tonight.


I'm spinning it now and it's solid so far but they do sound like Demos to me.

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Is anyone brave enough to email the band and ask them about the tracks?


I bet your brave enough Rick. :tumbsup:

Evil Rick might be, but not me.

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