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Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton

66 mustang

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Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are complete pieces of shit. They THRIVE on the race war thing and make more problems than solutions. They are opportunists just waiting to jump into ANY controversary and make it racial. Who are the real racists here? Sometimes I really wonder.....

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Amerikkka's fucked up, cum on down to Australia fuckersz!!! :P

This is stuff is making news here in Australia :blink:

The various races get along better here :bowdown:

Life is better living without caring about peoples races :drink:



You know why Australia's got a better attitude in society? because you didnt make the mistake of taking slaves there in the 1800's! I guess when I was over picking up my slaves they noticed me and now there Great Great Great Great Great grandkids are getting even with me! I mean that's how ridiculous this shit is, did anybody watch Bill O Reilly last night? that hot Oriental chick Michelle Malkin was filling in for him, and had one of the members of the New Black Panthers on, now those guys are amusing, to say the least, everything that happens in society is attributed to being taken from the motherland, and the white man as bad as he is! now this might sound like a racist remark but im totally being serious here, if we let them run shit, imagine how great it would be! look at the motherland(Africa) god it's just blooming with life and happiness, isnt it! they should quit fucking complaining about how bad off they are, and start appreciating just how good theve got it! We can't get jobs cause were black, hey cocksuckers! im a fucking Felon, not only can I not get jobs, I cant vote, own a firearm, join the military, etc. now that might not sound like much to anybody but ive been a felon since I was 18, and have never done any of that shit, but I don't cry like a pussy and portrait the roll of the victim, I am the only one responsible for me, I guess I could cry and whine and say "Affirmitive Action is the reason I cant get a good job" but to be honest the thought never crossed my mind, when I get my felony exponged, I was excited because I was going to get to vote, but for what? the list of candidates is depressing to say the least, one cant help but feel doomed, were losing this country. So is Australia like America, only with Funnel Web Spiders?? Howard doesnt seem like that bad of a guy, how is it over there? is there jobs and shit? let me know.


You need only ask yourself one question...if a black radio host had made that comment, would it have even made the local paper?


What do you mean if??? you ever seen BET after midnight? it's a slamfest freefor all, Im starting to wonder if they railroaded Imus to get him out of his contract, you watch they will replace him with a black host, mark my words!!! If Tom Leykis or Mancow talked like that, now thats what I wonder? if they would get the same treatment??? hopefully will never know.

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Amerikkka's fucked up, cum on down to Australia fuckersz!!! :P

This is stuff is making news here in Australia :blink:

The various races get along better here :bowdown:

Life is better living without caring about peoples races :drink:



You know why Australia's got a better attitude in society? because you didnt make the mistake of taking slaves there in the 1800's! I guess when I was over picking up my slaves they noticed me and now there Great Great Great Great Great grandkids are getting even with me! I mean that's how ridiculous this shit is, did anybody watch Bill O Reilly last night? that hot Oriental chick Michelle Malkin was filling in for him, and had one of the members of the New Black Panthers on, now those guys are amusing, to say the least, everything that happens in society is attributed to being taken from the motherland, and the white man as bad as he is! now this might sound like a racist remark but im totally being serious here, if we let them run shit, imagine how great it would be! look at the motherland(Africa) god it's just blooming with life and happiness, isnt it! they should quit fucking complaining about how bad off they are, and start appreciating just how good theve got it! We can't get jobs cause were black, hey cocksuckers! im a fucking Felon, not only can I not get jobs, I cant vote, own a firearm, join the military, etc. now that might not sound like much to anybody but ive been a felon since I was 18, and have never done any of that shit, but I don't cry like a pussy and portrait the roll of the victim, I am the only one responsible for me, I guess I could cry and whine and say "Affirmitive Action is the reason I cant get a good job" but to be honest the thought never crossed my mind, when I get my felony exponged, I was excited because I was going to get to vote, but for what? the list of candidates is depressing to say the least, one cant help but feel doomed, were losing this country. So is Australia like America, only with Funnel Web Spiders?? Howard doesnt seem like that bad of a guy, how is it over there? is there jobs and shit? let me know.




Funnell web spiders are pretty much contained in geoff land, Sydney, state of NSW (New South Wales).

Employment is at its highest ever, nation wide.

The folk here in Australia are alot more laidback than you yanks up there, its why when y'all get down here many of you dont bother returning. :P

People may say Australia's a good 5 to 10 years behind the U.S but its a small price to pay for the excellence in quality of life.

Rock's getting more play on the radio it seems these days too. :drink:

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Here's a nice little "Then and Now" of comments made about this whole deal...




Shit! Hey Sharptounge, I dont know what white boys youve been hanging out with, but the ones I know that are fantasizing about the slave days and black women, well let's just say they aint fantasizing about raping them!!!! this dickhead couldnt get laid if he had a gram of crack, and a wad of Franklins in his clip, Im working on a pictorial right now, it will be entitled "When Sharpton and Jackson Are Alone" with a little help of Ulead PhotoImpact and a shitload of pics I spent all day downloading, im going to present these 2 fine gentlemen in their true form.

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Guess I'll chirp in on this one....


It's no secret that Jackson and Sharpton want blacks to be looked at as being discriminated against. If they weren't, these dumb asses would have to find real jobs. The thing that amazes me is that people (black and white) can't see what crooks they are.


I also find it interesting that every day in this country... radio stations and DJ's all over the USA can spin these rap songs (I use the term "songs" loosely) like there is no tomorrow. The lyrics constantly degrade black women, and more often then not, refer to them an ho's. If Imus can't use this lingo on his show why are balck DJs and Rap stations able to get away with what they air all day long.? Like Dan said... the old "Double Standard". In fact, WNBC owns many rap stations who are guilty of degrading "the ho's"... I don't think they will be changing format or firing any DJ who support this rap music... Only Imus.


Unfortunatly there will never be equality in the United States while there are clowns like Jackson and Sharpton making tons of money to support usless causes.... nor do individuals like these two want there to be equality.

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NAPPY HAIRED HO'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



NAPPY HAIRED HO'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Man that feels good..... :cheer:



You know who I feel sorry for...........................the white players.

Imus gave them no love!!!

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According to ESPN's Stuart Scott, rappers who use the word 'ho' "mean it in an affectionate way." So I guess that makes it A-OK for them. :blink:

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NAPPY HAIRED HO'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



NAPPY HAIRED HO'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Man that feels good..... :cheer:



You know who I feel sorry for...........................the white players.

Imus gave them no love!!!


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