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Everything posted by Doksdad

  1. Godspeed G. Hopefully you find something great!!! Rock on man, keep up the pursuit!!!
  2. Waynes World. My 7 year old, Dokken loves it!!!!
  3. This, friends, is a good man. I have literally been fantasizing my winter away... just dreaming of summer moments. How anyone cannot love and live for summer, it's beyond me. Winter is a big, dirty, seedy c*nt. I hate every second of it. This is exactly, 100% how I feel about summer! Feeling hot is so uncomfortable, I hate it more than just about anything. We had a heat index of over 105 today. Man, it was good beer drinkin' weather
  4. This, friends, is a good man. I have literally been fantasizing my winter away... just dreaming of summer moments. How anyone cannot love and live for summer, it's beyond me. Winter is a big, dirty, seedy c*nt. I hate every second of it. Agreed, agreed and agreed. Other than hockey, winter sucks the big one. I sure as hell don't have to shovel snow when it's 95 degrees out. Only problem is keeping enough ice in the beerbarrow in the summer, but not a bad problem to have at all!!! Going to the lake today!!!
  5. Eric Brittingham is Marshall's sun repellant. It repels everything. Including Marshall.
  6. I dunno, but my Yahoo mail is constantly getting spam from an old e-mail address he once used.... Yeah, me too. I assume that email address is no longer under his ownership? Me too. That licker. He better have a good excuse. Cool dude.
  7. 1. Surprised you're so hard on the LA Guns CD, and 2. Surprised you're so gentle on this one. I also just listened to the Unisonic CD today and was amazed - with the personnel involved - that it is such an average, run-of-the-mill CD. Seriously, at the end I couldn't remember one single moment of the CD, except there was a single good hook on the 5th or 6th song. But the rest... man, how average. I totally got the impression that they possibly went in the studio to make a new Place Vendome CD, then realised the songs were shit and not deserving of that band's name, and just changed the band name. It's really not a dreadful CD at all... just honestly stunned that a Ward-driven project it this average. I've changed my mind on the LAG as it's much better than I first thought. "Eel Pie" is still dreadful and the Black Spider song I could do without but the rest are all solid to great. "Dirty Black Night", "Underneath the Sun", "Better not Love Me", the title track, "Sweet Mystery" and "Burn" are all great tunes. Haha... I have to admit I could kind of seeing you change your mind on it. It's not the best CD on the planet, but I honestly cannot imagine an LA Guns not liking it plenty. I agree. The more you listen to this disc, the better it gets. Good stuff.
  8. How good is the tune Ghost??? Damn fine tune. KISS~ Crazy Crazy Nights
  9. LOVE LOVE LOVE the HEAT. Bring it on!!!!
  10. Nick is Fitty!!!! Rock on!!!
  11. There's something in the air!!! Is the Darkness back???? Not sure.
  12. I was at the show. Man, Trixter blew the other bands off the stage!!!! Not that Warrant and Firehouse were bad. They weren't. Not at all. But Trixter was having sooooooooo much fun on stage. They were killer. I've watched TONS of shows over the years, and I was at the first Cherry Pie Tour in '91. If you don't have the new Trixter, you need it. Also Rockaholic. Warrant was great. Firehouse too. But the night belonged to Trixter, IMO.
  13. If anyone from the band is reading this... if you lose the rights to the "real" G.W. name, you have my permission to use any of these... "Great Off-White" "Great Non-White" "Still Great, Not So White" "Not-So-Great White" "Great Unwhite" "The Artists Formerly Known as Great White" "The Great White of the 21st Century" "The Great White Experience Featuring the Vocal Stylin's of Terry Ilous" LMFAO!!! That's good stuff right there.
  14. That's good random right there. This Fire~ Dokken Raining Rock~ Jettblack I Wish It Would Rain~ Little Caesar Too Cold In the Winter~ Cry of Love Hand On The Trigger~ Great White What A Shame~ Tesla Red Light Joint~ Kotrini Can U Deliver~ Armored Saint
  15. That's promising. I've met Jack twice and he was more than cordial. Nice guy. He sounds good in the youtube stuff that I've seen. I'd love to see the BB again. I seen them open for Metallica w/ The Cult back on the Justice tour. That was kick ass.
  16. So no Taylor Dayne, Cher or Mariah Carey? I picked up Mangione, what more do you want??? It could be worse, like Mili Vanilli! He picked up Mangione at the same time he picked up a Dirty Looks CD...? Beside revoking his MAFIA Card he should be from this site for life as well as tared and feathered. I also believe his entire CD collection should be divided up amongst us all. And no fighting over the Taylar Dayne and Mangione CD's. Wes already has it in his will that his collection will be divided amongst the MM. I know Pete is in for Mafia Fest next year. How about you Dave???
  17. Going to Creed in Fargo in August. Human Clay in it's entirety? Hell ya!!!
  18. LOVE that album!!! So glad it finally got a proper cd release!!! Paul Sabu~ Bankok Rules
  19. Great tune!!! House of Sins~ Knock Out Kaine
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