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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. Was it pages of bullshit when it was about Trump?
  2. We should all be happy if this stuff becomes the new Kpop. Must have some kind of following in Japan, maybe replacing Jpop first...
  3. Great year Cats In Space easily Then Europe, Hell In the Club, Midnite City, Night Flight,
  4. Are they the babymetal girls?
  5. Well fuck, I didn't like that at all to begin with but it got very catchy very quickly. Know nothing about this band.
  6. Yeah, I'm liking this. Will persue. I know nothing about this band. I keep seeing Lucifer when I see the title...
  7. If you keep using the c word like that, it will lose it's relevance. You need to save it for a statement word, not in a comedy line...
  8. It's A Goove Thing is on now Last song was Would I Lie To You by some female band. They recently played that Elton John mash up mix, which I quite enjoy.
  9. Love Gun is just a boring cover. Nice music, nice singing, but pretty much the same as the original. Just change it up more and make something interesting. I'd rather just listen to the original. A song like Love Gun is hard to cover because it's hard to change up, but I guess that's the challenge. If you can't do it, just move on to the next song...
  10. That's the thing, it's a pre-planned playlist, so somebody decided to play that song.
  11. I actually wondered about that. How many people heard that song for the first time and enjoyed it?
  12. So I'm at the Sydney Showgrounds Exhibition Centre at the moment, and they are playing poppy kinda music, the type that is suppoed to appeal to most people. And yesterday they play Poison's Until You uffer Some. Does that manke it elevator music? Weird to hear it, it was never a mainstream song out here in any way, so surprised it got a run.
  13. Fucking two songs a year early? Nope, I'll wait for the albuma nd listen then.
  14. It's weird If you wanna talk Bon Jovi, or Kiss, or whatever, I can probably recite the songs off the albums I liked. But mention Lip Service, and I probably can't tell you any songs off the album. I know the songs, but I guess not holding the LP and reading the lyrics etc you don't have that connection.
  15. Am I the only one who has to go back and look at the songs I liked of some of these albums? Turns out Black Veil Brides followed by WET
  16. Best Of albums rarely have my favorite songs on them. Same with live sets Saw Tesla and it was an average setlist. None of my faces played. Cheap Trick did better, but didn't play The Flame for some dumb reason. Contrast was Billy Idol who played a phenominal set, highly recommend seeing him if you get thge chance. Has Steve Stevens with him as well.
  17. Above my bed, on the toliet wall, and also a cuddle doll next to my pillow. I borrowed the cuddle doll off Geoff. I'm actually up in Sydney to return it, but the address he gave me was for a gay nightclub, that cheeky scamp...
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