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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. Songs I Left Behind is an amazing disc. Probably my favorite Mike Tramp album, and normally I hate those leftover albums. I think what I liked about it was that the songs were varied. When Mike makes an album the songs sound a lot the same, guitar tone etc and the songs tend to blend a bit.
  2. Welcome to 'Tuff 2' Making the most of a couple of albums....
  3. lol, I have 6 kids. - all getting older now, but 5 still at home so it's hard to blast music too much. I also generally work from home, but find that music is either distracting, or annoying in the background when I'm working at my computer. So I'm in the same boat. I have so many albums sitting to listen to, and I just don't have time to get through them. I see threads here and they are dissecting albums from bands I like and I can't be involved because I need to listen 4 or 5 times to really be able to create an opinion. Sometimes I get right in to a CD and look up a thread to see how others judged it at the time. I go on interstate road trips but usually take a kid with me, but sometimes we play it loud. Best time for me is when I'm overseas. I go to China a couple of times a year and where I go, English is pretty rarely understood, so I can plug in headphones and wander around knowing I don't need to converse.
  4. Looking forward to Hitman's Bodyguard. Also saw the trailer to Flatliners and I'd kind of forgotten about the original Kieffer Sutherland movie. I'd saw that like Total Recall, and The Magnificent Seven etc, you really have to consider it a different movie to enjoy it. My wife couldn't do that with Total Recall, and she refused to watch it. I thought the new one was pretty good.
  5. Not hating on it all, just speaking the truth. It needs a better chorus. I'm sure there will be better on the album. Sorry, that comment wasn't directed at you. More at the overwhelming majority of people who will hear a couple of songs, decide that it isn't anything like S/T or Nothing Sacred and drop it . And that's cool, just that maybe there will be some unreal expectations. Compare to a band like Hardcore Superstar and the criticism is (more) warranted. They were progressing nicely and decided on a weird back to roots/weird ass pop-punk basic music. And if that's the music they want to make, then fair enough, but I'll go in to the next album by them not expecting much. Hope I'm surprised
  6. Called it early, and was backed up with the new Steelheart releases.... People are goona be hating on this new BAD, because even with American Blitzkrieg as their last album, and then the widely 'ignored because it's different' Derek Davis solo disc, they are still going to expect the same style of music from over 20 years ago. I like this one on first listen.
  7. Let's Be Cops. Funnier every time I see it. Great movie.
  8. That drummer sure pounds those drums.... lol Not a bad song. Goes to show you're never too old to act and dress like a 1980's 20 year old
  9. I like the second song posted much more. And for those who don't like censorship... FREE THE NIPPLE (just so Geoff can give the song another go ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-umDKKUDmM
  10. Logan Lucky. Not bad. Seth McFarlaine wasn't in it as much as I thought, and Hilary Swank's character was terrible (as was her acting) Unlikely I'll watch it again, but I enjoyed it.
  11. Nice cameo from Jesse James Dupree there. Shame the nipples were blurred out - surely this isn't an issue these days. They had a song a couple of years ago that was killer - Get A Little This song is pretty damn good as well. Nice pub rock
  12. I really like 5 or 6 songs off the album. Not going to try and qualify it. Seems most here hate it, Different strokes...
  13. Yeah that's pretty fucking good. Looking forward to this one
  14. Gonna see them both. I'ma Tom fan, and Wesley Snipes is good most of the time. passenger 57
  15. Love me some Bobaflex but I don't like that song (or the original)
  16. Would be a lot better without the piano tapping throughout. I can imagine it with some really heavy guitar chords and being pretty great. As it stands it's OK, not sure if it will grow on me. Sometimes it's the songs you don't like on the first listen that you either start to really like, or learn to not hate.
  17. Didn't see it all. Was on late when I was using the TV to drift to sleep. It worked lol I'll try to catch it. Saw Dial M for Murder the other night for the first time. Was pretty good.
  18. I saw some of the original Dunkirk the other night. Made in the late 50's from memory. Was a completely different story about a group of men who's leader dies and they don't know where everyone was retreating to. From what I saw I'd enjoy it far more than this recent movie...
  19. I just picked this one up last week and have listened a couple of times. I've never been a massive Mr.Big fan, just your average run of the mill fan who likes some of the songs, but I've never gone out and desperately waited on a new album. Never even made a best of mix of their stuff. So I went in with a pretty open mind, and I really like it. Good light rock with lots of hooks and melodies. Well produced, voice sounds good. Sad that everyone here except Peter seems to hate it. I wonder if everyone listened to the whole album, or just a few posted songs? 1992 is one of the worse songs on the disc for me.
  20. As long as its nothing like the last one and goes back to style of the last few before it +1
  21. Most will probably hate this. Not sure if I've posted it before, but I heard it again the other day and it was for sure my song of the day. One of the few cookie monster vocal songs I like. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_1v_vtoZy8
  22. WOW Interesting how people can have such different opinions on songs. I love them both, particularly the second one.
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