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Tone Deaf

Tone Deaf (1/11)



  1. You're a bigger idiot than I ever could have imagined. Keep blabbing that balding ass head of yours, it's quite entertaining.
  2. You guys must be borderline retarded. The fact is, you can't release things just because you want. As Brad stated in his email, he doesn't own the rights to it either. And why haven't you contacted him, asking if you could send the money you made. Why does a guy, whose music you stole, have to contact you in order to get paid? Best of all, you admit to stealing someone's music and you & your little cronie (which is probably you also) call me the asshole? There are legalities that one must go through in order to release something. What needs to happen is everyone that you have screwed and whoever else needs to come together and pitch in for the cost of suing your ass and send you to prison. If you want to push your luck, I would love to make it a priority in my life.
  3. Wow, and you will have to excuse me. Although, you guys have been talking about this for a long time now, I, on the other hand, just realized that Retrospect had their own little section over here. After browsing through several posts, I can see that my initial thoughts about the label were true. But one question that continue's to contradict......While defending your label, over and over, you continually state, "ask the musicians if they ever got paid on other labels", constantly stating that the musician is no longer getting screwed, because you pay the artist.....if you figure that you printed a hundred each of the TKO titles, sold them for 15 a piece, say your cost to print was a few hundred dollars (at most) for each pressing, And not one of the band members has ever seen a dime, while you make over a couple of grand? You are worse than any label, because they footed the bill for the recording you stole, they paid for the promotion, they paid for the band to live, they paid for a tour. So although, you may think that you are doing a great service to the world, all you are doing is putting out second-rate product (I didn't even realize, that most of your product came out on cdr's) and ripping off musicians in the process.
  4. Sounds like the appropriate place to add this: I found this over at Full in Bloom Music. It is an interview with Brad Sinsel of TKO. Retrospect has two TKO cd's they were selling and I believe one of them has sold out. FIB MUSIC: Who is the label Retrospect Records and who gave them permission to release "Let it Roll"? Brad: That's a good question, if you find the answer to it, please let me know. I actually sent an email to them and never got a response. FIB MUSIC: They look like they're a bootleg label and probably tied to the user Vegascds on Ebay, who also does a lot of bootleg stuff. But you emailed them? Brad: Yeah, I wrote something like, So very pleased to see that "Let it Roll" is finally being put out there again, by the way could you please explain to me who put this together. And I never got a response. I don't even know where they're out of. FIB MUSIC: They have also released "In Your Face"? Brad: Oh, Jeez. You know, I just have to remind myself of why I released this stuff in the first place. And that was to get the music out there, that's my peace. Because if you try to keep up with all the piracy on the internet, it will drive you nuts. http://www.fullinbloommusic.com/brad_sinsel.html
  5. Any Femme Fatale fans...pretty cool interview with vocalist Lorraine Lewis http://www.fullinbloommusic.com/lorrainelewis.html
  6. Cool interview with the Queen of Metal. some great pictures of her as well. http://www.fullinbloommusic.com
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