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I love Pink Floyd...cannot wait til Pulse on DVD comes out...kinda o/t but if u havent yet check out Gilmores "On an Island" it is freaking awesome! very floydish..imo

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I love Pink Floyd...cannot wait til Pulse on DVD comes out...kinda o/t but if u havent yet check out Gilmores  "On an Island" it is freaking awesome!  very floydish..imo

"On An Island" is awesome IMO. And yes, very Floydish...

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I love Pink Floyd...cannot wait til Pulse on DVD comes out...kinda o/t but if u havent yet check out Gilmores  "On an Island" it is freaking awesome!  very floydish..imo

"On An Island" is awesome IMO. And yes, very Floydish...

noticed a quote from Shadow Gallery in your sig...love that band too....my fave is still their first tho

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I have been waiting for this forever and I have been wondering about the reason for the delay - I found the answer in a comment on Amazon:


Why was the Pink Floyd Pulse DVD release delayed yet again? Hear the truth from David Gilmour himself.


David Gilmour Speaks! from the May 2006 issue of Guitar World magazine (Vol. 27/No. 5), "Shine On" an interview by Alan Di Perna. The following is a full quote from the interview concerning the Pulse DVD release (pp.96-98):


"GW: Speaking of live shows, why is the Pulse DVD coming out later this year, some 12 years after the Division Bell tour?


GILMOUR: It was out on VHS long ago. We had a lot of technical problems converting it to DVD. It was shot on video rather than film, which I now think was a mistake: it doesn't look very good when you enlarge it on a big screen television, which everyone seems to have these days. We'd been investigating all sorts of ways to digitally enhance the footage.


By the time we'd surmounted all the problems, it was way too late to make our November or December ['05] deadline. I didn't see any point in putting it out at the same time as my album (On An Island), so I asked that we put the release back until September".

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I love Pink Floyd...cannot wait til Pulse on DVD comes out...kinda o/t but if u havent yet check out Gilmores  "On an Island" it is freaking awesome!  very floydish..imo

"On An Island" is awesome IMO. And yes, very Floydish...

noticed a quote from Shadow Gallery in your sig...love that band too....my fave is still their first tho

I love all Shadow Gallery. Awesome musicians and songwriters.

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  • 3 years later...

My brother's Radiohead phase is coming to a slow down and the current band he's picked up is Pink Floyd. He played quite a few albums while I was up there a couple of weeks ago. I find them hard to handle generally, but I have to admit there were two albums that I honestly thought some of the AOR crowd here might be into.


Don't get me wrong, I am NOT recommending these, but the two albums 'A Momentary Lapse of Reason' (1987) and 'The Division Bell' (1994) both had a kind of hi-tech lite AOR feel to them that I could imagine some freaks here enjoying. Some of the guitar work was actually pretty decent I think. They almost reminded me of Icehouse, or Dire Straights.


Now, as for anything else they have ever recorded - Jesus Fucking Christ. Some of the worst "music" I have heard in my life. I couldn't actually believe it at times. Imagine any other band trying to put this out to the public passing it off as music? F*ck me, does it show what a band with an established name can actually inflict upon the public and get away with it due to their name.

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My brother's Radiohead phase is coming to a slow down and the current band he's picked up is Pink Floyd. He played quite a few albums while I was up there a couple of weeks ago. I find them hard to handle generally, but I have to admit there were two albums that I honestly thought some of the AOR crowd here might be into.


Don't get me wrong, I am NOT recommending these, but the two albums 'A Momentary Lapse of Reason' (1987) and 'The Division Bell' (1994) both had a kind of hi-tech lite AOR feel to them that I could imagine some freaks here enjoying. Some of the guitar work was actually pretty decent I think. They almost reminded me of Icehouse, or Dire Straights.


Now, as for anything else they have ever recorded - Jesus Fucking Christ. Some of the worst "music" I have heard in my life. I couldn't actually believe it at times. Imagine any other band trying to put this out to the public passing it off as music? F*ck me, does it show what a band with an established name can actually inflict upon the public and get away with it due to their name.


Apart from a few songs, this has gotta be the worlds most boring band!!!!!!!


But in saying that, i went to the big Pink Floyd experience show that was in Sydney a few months back and although i was the youngest person in the crowd, it was fantastic.

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Pink Floyd are pretty much a 3 way split for me. The Syd Barrett early era, which I really don't like at all, then the Roger Waters era with albums like the classic 'Dark Side Of The Moon' 'Wish You Were Here', 'The Wall' and 'The Final Cut, all of which contain moments of brilliance, then there is the more commercial Dave Gilmour period, which obviously attracted many more people to them with the more accessible 'A Momentary Lapse' and 'The Division Bell', which are both great albums aswell. I think you generally either like Pink Floyd or you don't to be honest (same with bands like Genesis and Led Zeppelin, who also get accused of crimes against music by the younger people) and I certainly have to be in the right mood to listen to them (although I must say, with all due respect, that I certainly wouldn't expect anyone who is predominantly into Hair bands, melodic metal and melodic rock and still have a full head of hair and teeth like Matt and Geoff to get them at all to be honest) especially with the Roger Waters period (Mid 70's to early 80's). I think if you were around at the time when these albums were being released, the people that don't 'get it' would have a different opinion. Pink Floyd offered something original at the time (and still do to a certain extent), made albums you had to live with and listen to properly, aswell as being a fantastic live experience. They were and still are for many, a huge band and a big influence on a lot of others. The multi multi-millions of us who bought these albums back in the day still love them for lots of good reasons, which unfortunately for you young whipper snappers, will never know or experience. ;)

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My brother's Radiohead phase is coming to a slow down and the current band he's picked up is Pink Floyd. He played quite a few albums while I was up there a couple of weeks ago. I find them hard to handle generally, but I have to admit there were two albums that I honestly thought some of the AOR crowd here might be into.


Don't get me wrong, I am NOT recommending these, but the two albums 'A Momentary Lapse of Reason' (1987) and 'The Division Bell' (1994) both had a kind of hi-tech lite AOR feel to them that I could imagine some freaks here enjoying. Some of the guitar work was actually pretty decent I think. They almost reminded me of Icehouse, or Dire Straights.


Now, as for anything else they have ever recorded - Jesus Fucking Christ. Some of the worst "music" I have heard in my life. I couldn't actually believe it at times. Imagine any other band trying to put this out to the public passing it off as music? F*ck me, does it show what a band with an established name can actually inflict upon the public and get away with it due to their name.


Apart from a few songs, this has gotta be the worlds most boring band!!!!!!!


But in saying that, i went to the big Pink Floyd experience show that was in Sydney a few months back and although i was the youngest person in the crowd, it was fantastic.


So are they boring or fantastic? That was a quick change of mind mate ;)

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Pink Floyd are pretty much a 3 way split for me. The Syd Barrett early era, which I really don't like at all, then the Roger Waters era with albums like the classic 'Dark Side Of The Moon' 'Wish You Were Here', 'The Wall' and 'The Final Cut, all of which contain moments of brilliance, then there is the more commercial Dave Gilmour period, which obviously attracted many more people to them with the more accessible 'A Momentary Lapse' and 'The Division Bell', which are both great albums aswell. I think you generally either like Pink Floyd or you don't to be honest (same with bands like Genesis and Led Zeppelin, who also get accused of crimes against music by the younger people) and I certainly have to be in the right mood to listen to them (although I must say, with all due respect, that I certainly wouldn't expect anyone who is predominantly into Hair bands, melodic metal and melodic rock and still have a full head of hair and teeth like Matt and Geoff to get them at all to be honest) especially with the Roger Waters period (Mid 70's to early 80's). I think if you were around at the time when these albums were being released, the people that don't 'get it' would have a different opinion. Pink Floyd offered something original at the time (and still do to a certain extent), made albums you had to live with and listen to properly, aswell as being a fantastic live experience. They were and still are for many, a huge band and a big influence on a lot of others. The multi multi-millions of us who bought these albums back in the day still love them for lots of good reasons, which unfortunately for you young whipper snappers, will never know or experience. ;)


yes, but what do you really think?

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Pink Floyd are pretty much a 3 way split for me. The Syd Barrett early era, which I really don't like at all, then the Roger Waters era with albums like the classic 'Dark Side Of The Moon' 'Wish You Were Here', 'The Wall' and 'The Final Cut, all of which contain moments of brilliance, then there is the more commercial Dave Gilmour period, which obviously attracted many more people to them with the more accessible 'A Momentary Lapse' and 'The Division Bell', which are both great albums aswell. I think you generally either like Pink Floyd or you don't to be honest (same with bands like Genesis and Led Zeppelin, who also get accused of crimes against music by the younger people) and I certainly have to be in the right mood to listen to them (although I must say, with all due respect, that I certainly wouldn't expect anyone who is predominantly into Hair bands, melodic metal and melodic rock and still have a full head of hair and teeth like Matt and Geoff to get them at all to be honest) especially with the Roger Waters period (Mid 70's to early 80's). I think if you were around at the time when these albums were being released, the people that don't 'get it' would have a different opinion. Pink Floyd offered something original at the time (and still do to a certain extent), made albums you had to live with and listen to properly, aswell as being a fantastic live experience. They were and still are for many, a huge band and a big influence on a lot of others. The multi multi-millions of us who bought these albums back in the day still love them for lots of good reasons, which unfortunately for you young whipper snappers, will never know or experience. ;)



  /ˈpærəˌgræf, -ˌgrɑf/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [par-uh-graf, -grahf]

Use paragraph in a Sentence



1. a distinct portion of written or printed matter dealing with a particular idea, usually beginning with an indentation on a new line.

2. a paragraph mark.

3. a note, item, or brief article, as in a newspaper.

–verb (used with object)

4. to divide into paragraphs.

5. to write or publish paragraphs about, as in a newspaper.

6. to express in a paragraph.


1515–25; earlier paragraphe < Gk paragraph marked passage; see para- 1 , graph


Related forms:

par⋅a⋅graph⋅ism, noun

par⋅a⋅gra⋅phis⋅ti⋅cal  /ˌpærəgrəˈfɪstɪkəl/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [par-uh-gruh-fis-ti-kuhl] adjective

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Pink Floyd are pretty much a 3 way split for me. The Syd Barrett early era, which I really don't like at all, then the Roger Waters era with albums like the classic 'Dark Side Of The Moon' 'Wish You Were Here', 'The Wall' and 'The Final Cut, all of which contain moments of brilliance, then there is the more commercial Dave Gilmour period, which obviously attracted many more people to them with the more accessible 'A Momentary Lapse' and 'The Division Bell', which are both great albums aswell. I think you generally either like Pink Floyd or you don't to be honest (same with bands like Genesis and Led Zeppelin, who also get accused of crimes against music by the younger people) and I certainly have to be in the right mood to listen to them (although I must say, with all due respect, that I certainly wouldn't expect anyone who is predominantly into Hair bands, melodic metal and melodic rock and still have a full head of hair and teeth like Matt and Geoff to get them at all to be honest) especially with the Roger Waters period (Mid 70's to early 80's). I think if you were around at the time when these albums were being released, the people that don't 'get it' would have a different opinion. Pink Floyd offered something original at the time (and still do to a certain extent), made albums you had to live with and listen to properly, aswell as being a fantastic live experience. They were and still are for many, a huge band and a big influence on a lot of others. The multi multi-millions of us who bought these albums back in the day still love them for lots of good reasons, which unfortunately for you young whipper snappers, will never know or experience. ;)



  /ˈpærəˌgræf, -ˌgrɑf/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [par-uh-graf, -grahf]

Use paragraph in a Sentence



1. a distinct portion of written or printed matter dealing with a particular idea, usually beginning with an indentation on a new line.

2. a paragraph mark.

3. a note, item, or brief article, as in a newspaper.

–verb (used with object)

4. to divide into paragraphs.

5. to write or publish paragraphs about, as in a newspaper.

6. to express in a paragraph.


1515–25; earlier paragraphe < Gk paragraph marked passage; see para- 1 , graph


Related forms:

par⋅a⋅graph⋅ism, noun

par⋅a⋅gra⋅phis⋅ti⋅cal  /ˌpærəgrəˈfɪstɪkəl/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [par-uh-gruh-fis-ti-kuhl] adjective



''Fuck yourself'' - [ph-uk yo-wers-elf]


1. Common phrase in English used toward clever ass Australian type weirdo's

2. To fuck ones self - to insert ones old chap into ones trap 2

2. used when someone wants you to errr... fuck yourself

3. Fuck off, get lost and get a life,

4. You suck



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don't forget the Animals album, great one as well, I agree with Jez, stick with dark Side, Wall, Wish, and even Meddle!!!

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don't forget the Animals album, great one as well, I agree with Jez, stick with dark Side, Wall, Wish, and even Meddle!!!



I knew I missed one! :tumbsup:

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I think that being there. Living in the 70's people can appreciate their music more. It was and is music from the 70s and the lifestyles we were living then fit the music. At least it did for me. Ive always felt their music is heavily influenced by the era. It was after all Sex, Drugs & Rock N Roll. At least for a lot of it.

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