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2013 HH Donors
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Everything posted by darin

  1. https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10603251_10152760561043200_8388648033039727422_n.jpg?oh=0e6c5b7a4dc693d1b0f8a13a8a68c86a&oe=5568CB92&__gda__=1431023236_06240efcdfc64da20f41494a54892ac8Highly recommended. In my top five for 2014,
  2. Curious about the Shame listing. There was a band with that name from the Sunset Strip days(late 80's) that was signed to Simmons(Gene Simmons) Records. I believe they had their debut album completed, but was never released. Have you listened to the Shame songs. What do they sound like?
  3. darin

    Danger - s/t

    I'm loving this album. Will make my top five this year.
  4. Eli - Sacred Ground New Tattoo - S/T Dust Bowl Jokies - Cockaigne Vaudville Twenty Dark Seven - Roar Stop Stop! - Join The Party Prizoner - Voodoo Elegantly Wasted - The Dog Years Seventh Veil - White Trash Attitude
  5. http://heavyharmonies.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=32648&hl=%2Bsalems+%2Blott Short sample of the vocals.
  6. Hell in The Club - Devil On My Shoulder Crazy Lixx - S/T Crash Midnight - Lost In The City
  7. Their debut was great. Looking forward to the follow-up. Love the album covers on both releases.
  8. Chrome Mollie - All Or Nuthin' Slash - World On Fire Midnight Sin - Sex First Sister Sin - Black Lotus Chaotic Resemblance - Get The Hell Out Christeen - Resurrection Beggars Fixx - Rouse The Rabble Rated X - S/T
  9. STANDING Alone - White Wolf
  10. That album cover can throw you off. I would never have gave this a look based on the album cover. Thanks for sharing. Will have to hunt a copy down.
  11. Good news! Liked their previous release.
  12. Stand By For PAIN - Widowmaker
  13. Agreed. This is the thread that kept me coming back and finally becoming a member of this great community.
  14. Naughty Jane - "Keeping It Alive" via FnA Records early 2015
  15. I like my southern rock. Thanks for posting.
  16. I liked their previous album. Will pick this one up too.
  17. Signed with FnA records for a two CD release. http://www.jakeassproductions.com/naughtyjane/
  18. I was afraid of that. Wish Eonian would have been able to release them.
  19. New release "R.I.S.E." Samples over on the main site.
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